17 Items by auctions and galleries:
Spectrum of parchment
Maxim Zinov'ev (b. 1997)
Shop Zinov'ev Maxim

Maxim Zinov'ev
Мое творчество - это соединение разных видов искуссств. Я - Максим Зиновьев являюсь художником, композитором и поэтом. И когда начинаю писать, то зачастую включаю музыку и начинаю процесс. Многое зависит от внутреннего состояния. Недавно я был в состоянии экзистенциального кризиса, эпизод тяжелей депрессии, и включив музыку написал "Философское дерево", которое мне самому очень нравится. Синтез восприятия одного искусства приводит меня к созданию другого искусства.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.

Artist shop
Zinov'ev Maxim
Number of products: 20
Хранитель свитка
Andrey Dupont (b. 1968)
Shop Dupont Andrey

Andrey Dupont
Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. С детства имею особое пристрастие к созданию предметов интерьера и формированию идеи и атмосферы жилого пространства.
Занимаюсь творчеством более 20 лет. Способности к изобразительному и прикладному искусству раскрылись в процессе многолетних эзотерических практик на пути саморазвития (практикую и преподаю Восточное боевое искусство 35лет). Создаю лепные интерьерные скульптуры из цемента с лакокрасочным покрытием; пишу концептуальные, символичные картины; снимаю свое кино, являясь актером, сценаристом и режиссером в одном лице; пишу стихи, рассказы и мотивирующие статьи. Мои фильмы, скетчи, ритуалы и ролики можно посмотреть на канале "Раскрытие личностного потенциала через у-шу". https://bit.ly/2Cd
Считаю творчество эффективным методом формирования окружающей реальности, замечательным способом развития личностных свойств, и прекрасным инструментом для выхода из сложных психологически жизненных ситуаций (всегда рекомендую своим ученикам и последователям).
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since my childhood, I have a particular fondness for creating interior items and shaping the idea and atmosphere of the living space. I have been doing creative work for over 20 years. My abilities for fine and applied arts were revealed in the process of esoteric practices on the path of self-development which is considered by me as a meaning of my whole life for many years. I create interior sculptures stuccoing them from cement with paintwork; I paint conceptual, symbolic pictures; I shoot my own movie, being an actor, screenwriter and director for every one of them; I write poems, stories and motivating articles. My films, sketches, rituals and videos can be viewed on the channel "Revealing personal potential through wushu". I consider creativity to be an effective method of shaping tthe surrounding reality, a wonderful way to develop personal properties, and an excellent tool for getting out of psychologically difficult life situations.

Artist shop
Dupont Andrey
Number of products: 25
Lot 26 JEAN-MICHEL FRANK (1895-1941)
Jean-Michel Frank (1895 - 1941)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Jean-Michel Frank
28.02.1895 - 03.08.1941
France, USA

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 43 JEAN-MICHEL FRANK (1895-1941)
Jean-Michel Frank (1895 - 1941)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Jean-Michel Frank
28.02.1895 - 03.08.1941
France, USA

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 44 MARC DU PLANTIER (1901-1975)
Jean-Michel Frank (1895 - 1941)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Jean-Michel Frank
28.02.1895 - 03.08.1941
France, USA

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 63 JEAN-MICHEL FRANK (1895-1941)
Jean-Michel Frank (1895 - 1941)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Jean-Michel Frank
28.02.1895 - 03.08.1941
France, USA

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 69 MARCEL COARD (1889-1974)
Marcel Coard (1889 - 1974)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Marcel Coard
30.06.1889 - 20.10.1974
Marcel Coard is one of the great decorators and designers of the 1930s.

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 1 JEAN-MICHEL FRANK (1895-1941)
Jean-Michel Frank (1895 - 1941)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Jean-Michel Frank
28.02.1895 - 03.08.1941
France, USA

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73
Lot 70 MARCEL COARD (1889-1974)
Marcel Coard (1889 - 1974)
The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design 

Marcel Coard
30.06.1889 - 20.10.1974
Marcel Coard is one of the great decorators and designers of the 1930s.

The Spirit of Paris: An Important Private Collection of 1920s and 1930s Design
Date: 06.06.2022 14:00 UTC -05:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 73