1 Items by auctions and galleries:
тео фон брокхузен (1882 - 1919)
Lot 2496 Theo von Brockhusen
Theo von Brockhusen (1882 - 1919)
186-Teil III: Gemälde, Grafik 

Theo von Brockhusen
16.07.1882 - 20.04.1919
Germany, Poland
Theodor Adolf Hillmann von Brockhusen was a German painter, graphic artist, and etcher. Most of his works are landscapes.

Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden GmbH
186-Teil III: Gemälde, Grafik
Date: 04.12.2022 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1187