8 Items by auctions and galleries:
уго ла пьетра (1938)
Lot 135 Totem cabinet of the series "Mobili palcoscenico"
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
A514- Session I: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
A514- Session I: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design
Date: 24.06.2021 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 181
Lot 144 Articolata armchair
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
A514- Session I: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
A514- Session I: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design
Date: 24.06.2021 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 181
Lot 655 Bottom of the lamp
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
A514- Session III: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
A514- Session III: Decorative arts of the 20th century and design
Date: 25.06.2021 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 233
Lot 294 Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
560-2: Arte moderna e contemporanea 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
560-2: Arte moderna e contemporanea
Date: 25.05.2022 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 170
Lot 57 Senza titolo 1963
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
Auction 481: Modern and Contemporary Art 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
Auction 481: Modern and Contemporary Art
Date: 21.07.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 261
Lot 182 Vase "Novecento (Omaggio to Gio Ponti)" in underglazed white ceramic with blue decorations and cap
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
537-Part II: Decorative Arts of the 20th century and Design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
537-Part II: Decorative Arts of the 20th century and Design
Date: 17.12.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 177
Lot 778 Omaggio a Snoopy
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
597-1: Decorative Arts of the 20th Century and Design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
597-1: Decorative Arts of the 20th Century and Design
Date: 21.12.2022 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 138
Lot 91 Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra (1938)
622 I Session I: Arti Decor. del '900 & Design 

Ugo La Pietra
Ugo La Pietra is an Italian contemporary artist, architect, director, teacher and designer.

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
622 I Session I: Arti Decor. del '900 & Design
Date: 28.06.2023 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 158