ancient near eastern

Athanasius Kircher was a German scholar, inventor, professor of mathematics and oriental studies, and a friar of the Jesuit order.
Kircher knew Greek and Hebrew, did scientific and humanities research in Germany, and was ordained in Mainz in 1628. During the Thirty Years' War he was forced to flee to Rome, where he remained for most of his life, serving as a kind of intellectual and information center for cultural and scientific information drawn not only from European sources but also from an extensive network of Jesuit missionaries. He was particularly interested in ancient Egypt and attempted to decipher hieroglyphics and other riddles. Kircher also compiled A Description of the Chinese Empire (1667), which was long one of the most influential books that shaped the European view of China.
A renowned polymath, Kircher conducted scholarly research in a variety of disciplines, including geography, astronomy, mathematics, languages, medicine, and music. He wrote some 44 books, and more than 2,000 of his manuscripts and letters have survived. He also assembled one of the first natural history collections.

Mongkut, also known as Rama IV, was King of Siam (modern-day Thailand) from 1851 to 1868.
Mongkut was a talented artist and expressed his art through various media. He was fond of painting, wood carving and other artistic techniques. His works mainly reflected Thai culture, nature and religious themes.
Mongkut supported the development of art during his reign by encouraging and sponsoring artists to create new works, murals and decorations in monasteries and temples.