2486 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 4304 Braunschweiger Löwenkopfsäbel der Feldartillerie mit Widmung, datiert 1899 - 1908, und Miniatur, um 1840
A89: International medals & military historical collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A89: International medals & military historical collectibles
Date: 01.06.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 454
Lot 4504 Stobwasser-Dose mit Darstellung des Gefechts bei Ölper, Braunschweig, um 1820
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles
Date: 18.11.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1058
Lot 5639 Fürst August Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1662 -1731) - Partisane der Leibtrabanten, datiert 1718
A82m - International medals & military history collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A82m - International medals & military history collectibles
Date: 28.05.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 905
Lot 3941 Herzoglich Braunschweigischer Orden Heinrich des Löwen - Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles
Date: 18.11.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1058
Lot 3942 Ordensschnalle eines Angehörigen des braunschweigischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr.92
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles
Date: 18.11.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1058
Lot 4820 Drei Porzellanfiguren - Braunschweiger Löwe, stehender Foxterrier, Bayerischer Löwe, Fürstenberg, Bavaria Jaeger & Co, Nymphenburg, Mitte des 20. Jhdts.
A102: Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken 

Hermann Historica
A102: Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken
Date: 19.11.2024 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1082