1 Items by auctions and galleries:
charles a. garlick (1827 - 1912)
Lot 347 Life, including his Escape and Struggle for Liberty
Charles A. Garlick (1827 - 1912)
Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts including Americana 

Charles A. Garlick
February 1827 - 04.05.1912
Charles A. Garlick, real name Abel Bogguess, was a Civil War soldier born into slavery.
His father was a planter and his mother a slave. At the age of sixteen, Abel left Virginia, gave himself a new name, and came to an abolitionist center in northeastern Ohio. There he received formal education, including at Oberlin College. He later served in the 3rd U.S. Heavy Artillery during the Civil War.
He wrote about all of this in an autobiographical book titled Life, Including the Escape and Struggle for Freedom of Charles A. Garlick. Born a slave in old Virginia. Who achieved his freedom by escaping from his master's farm in 1843." The book was first published in 1902.

Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts including Americana
Date: 19.10.2023 10:00 UTC -04:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 357