21 Items by auctions and galleries:
dieter blum (1936)
Lot 88 Dieter Blum (1936 Esslingen am Neckar) (F)
Dieter Blum (1936)
A64: Kunst | Schmuck & Luxusuhren | Interior 

Dieter Blum
Dieter Blum is a contemporary German photographer who has worked for well-known and influential publications (German magazines Spiegel and Stern, American Time, Vanity Fair). At the beginning of his career he took pictures of American cowboys, now he prefers to work with musicians and ballet dancers.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
A64: Kunst | Schmuck & Luxusuhren | Interior
Date: 26.11.2022 13:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 303
Lot 97 Dieter Blum (1936 Esslingen am Neckar) (F)
Dieter Blum (1936)
Alte Kunst | Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst 

Dieter Blum
Dieter Blum is a contemporary German photographer who has worked for well-known and influential publications (German magazines Spiegel and Stern, American Time, Vanity Fair). At the beginning of his career he took pictures of American cowboys, now he prefers to work with musicians and ballet dancers.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
Alte Kunst | Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst
Date: 02.12.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 121