221 Items by auctions and galleries:
dokumente, literatur und fotos
Lot 11057 Generaloberstabsveterinär Prof. Dr. Curt Schulze - persönliche und biographische Dokumente, Korrespondenz und Fotos
German contemporary history - medals and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
German contemporary history - medals and militaria from 1919
Date: 11.12.2020 12:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 672
Lot 12123 Oberstabsarzt Dr. Karl Richter (Inhaber Deutsches Kreuz in Silber) - Dokumente und Fotos
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12183 General Rino Corso Fougier (1894 - 1963) - Gruppe Dokumente und Fotos
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12203 Großer Dokumenten Nachlass des Dr. Leonard Schüller und seiner drei Söhne
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12180 Oberst Fritz Ernst Kaufmann - vier Fotoalben über den 1. und 2. Weltkrieg
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12175 Drei Fotoalben und Buch mit Lithografien "Flak an Rhein und Ruhr"
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12118 Urkundennachlass Epimach Lachauer - SS-Polizei-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 18
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12142 Nachlass des Flugzeugführers Johannes Hasler im Kampfgeschwader 30 - Fotoalbum und Urkunden
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12165 Große Gruppe Dokumente, dabei "Das Schwarze Korps" der SS, Landkarten und weitere Literatur Deutschland/Österreich 19./20. Jahrhundert
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12174 Nachlass Major Erich Gerstenberg der 76. Infanterie-Division - zwei Fotoalben, Urkunden und Dokumente
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 11069 Nachlass Major Erich Gerstenberg der 76. Infanterie-Division - zwei Fotoalben, Urkunden und Dokumente
German contemporary history - medals and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
German contemporary history - medals and militaria from 1919
Date: 11.12.2020 12:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 672
Lot 12113 Museumsanfertigung der Pergament-Ernennungsurkunde Hermann Görings zum Generalfeldmarschall vom 4. Februar 1938
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12121 Dr. Ludwig Stadlbaur - Armeepferdelazarett 687 - Soldbuch und Dokumente
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12141 Umfangreiche Gruppe an Dokumenten aus der Zeit der deutschen Besatzung 1940/41
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12143 Eichenlaubträger Leutnant Franz-Josef Beerenbrock - Fotos und Dokumente
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12167 Zwei Ausgaben "Mein Kampf" und politische/militärische Literatur, deutsch, 1930/40er Jahre
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12173 Sammlung Luftwaffenfotos, Adler-Luftkampfspiel, Plakat etc.
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669
Lot 12177 Stabsgefreiter Franz Silberhorn junior - Fotoalbum und Dokumente, 1940 - 1945
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919 

Hermann Historica
O82r - Day 1: German contemporary history - orders and militaria from 1919
Date: 26.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 669