2625 Items by auctions and galleries:
Вечер в Украине. Evening in Ukraine
Elena Kozar-Gurina (b. 1969)
Shop Kozar-Gurina Elena

Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.

Artist shop
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Number of products: 255
Evening still life
Ludmila Riabkova (b. 1973)
Shop Riabkova Ludmila

Ludmila Riabkova
I`m Lyudmila Ryabkova. I was born in 1973 in Kiev, Ukraine.
I graduated technical college and got second higher economic education. I studied at the privat art studio of Ukrainian professional artist. My works find feedback from people, they are bought, it inspires me very much. My workshop is equipped right in my house and it makes possible to work every day. This is the most beautiful thing that happens to me.

Artist shop
Riabkova Ludmila
Number of products: 27
Evening maritime city Painting by Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (b. 1949)
Shop Dubrovskyy Aleksandr

Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)

Artist shop
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Number of products: 37
Lot 186 Russian landscape WINTER EVENING IN A VILLAGE. School of Julius Klever. The turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Русский пейзаж ЗИМНИЙ ВЕЧЕР В ДЕРЕВНЕ, школы Юлия Клевера . Рубеж 19-20 веков.
Fine and Applied Art Auction № 9 - Part I 

Fine and Applied Art Auction № 9 - Part I
Date: 18.05.2024 12:00 UTC +02:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 300
Sorin Sorin (b. 1966)
Shop Sorin Sorin

Sorin Sorin
Sorin is a European realistic painter born in Moldova. He has sold over 800 paintings since 1996. His poetic landscapes have become a part of personal collections in many countries. At the 1998 Olympics the group from Moldova presented Mr. Samaran, the President of the Olympic Committee with a landscape by Sorin.
He attended "Schusev Art School" from his fifth year of schooling. This was followed by studies at "Repyn" Art College. After he finished his college studies he worked as an artist with a movie studio and an advertising agency. He has been an artist director with Tele - radio Company Moldova.
Sorin travels throughout the Republic of Moldova in search of interesting views that capture the heart of the countryside. His rural and urban landscapes express dramatic changes in the environment, while not forgetting the eternal essence of nature and life close to the soil. His work is realistic and yet full of soul. In May of 1999, Sorin had his first major show "Imperceptible Midday" in the city of Kishinev. His is a major talent that already produces haunting work with interesting tones and shadows reflected in the villages, fields, roads, mountains, and waters of his native soil. This is art that will never tire, art that will bring peace into your day.

Artist shop
Sorin Sorin
Number of products: 1
Вечер (Evening)
Oleg Klyukin (b. 1929)
Shop Klyukin Oleg

Oleg Klyukin
Клюкин Олег Павлович
(20.09.1929г. – 21.08.2002г.)
Заслуженный художник РФ, награжден Почетной Грамотой Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР за заслуги в области изобразительного искусства.
Картины О.П. Клюкина экспонировались на зональных, республиканских и всесоюзных художественных выставках
Картины О.П. Клюкина находятся в 14 музеях и галереях России.
В Национальной Галерее современного искусства г. Глазго (Великобритания), в галереях и частных собраниях Франции, США, Великобритании, Италии, Гонконга и других странах.
Сюжет о художнике О.П. Клюкине включен в фильм американского телевидения «Лик России», презентация которого состоялась в Конгрессе США в 1998году.

Artist shop
Klyukin Oleg
Number of products: 15
Original landscape painting oil on canvas, Fishing on the evening Dnepr river
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan

Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.

Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Original landscape painting oil on canvas, Evening on the Dnepr river
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan

Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.

Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Original landscape painting oil on canvas, Silent evening near Dnepr river
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan

Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.

Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
1002 Evening

Ахмедов Закир Ахмед. В родился в 1955 году в Баку (Азербайджан).
В 1978 году закончил Азербайджанский государственный художественное училищ им.Азим Азимзаде. факультет скульптуры.
В 1988 году окончил Азербайджанский государственный художественный институт им М. Алиева.факультет скульптуры.
С 1978 года по настоящее время проходили выставки во многих странах мира.
Член Союза художников Азербайджана и СССР с 1989 года.
Автор многих памятников. В 2005 году награжден премией "Хумай"
Скульптуры Закира Ахмедова имеются в частных коллекциях во многих странах мира.
В Азербайджане, Турции, России, Польше, Чехии, ЮАР, Франции, Германии,
Великобритании, Соединенных Штатов Америки и т.д.

Artist shop
Number of products: 41
In the Evening
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia

Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.

Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
Вечер ( Evening )
lado Sharashidze (b. 1966)
Shop Sharashidze lado

lado Sharashidze
Artist Vladimer (Lado) Sharashidze
Date of birth; 29.03.1966
Place of birth; Georgia, Batumi.
Contact information.
Phone number (+995)571767701
e-mail; [email protected]
1976-1980 Batumi state art school.
1989-1995 Tbilisi state art academy.
Works in art, painting, graphics, design
Experience: 7 personal exhibitions in Batumi, Tbilisi, Istanbul, Genova. Also participated in 35 team exhibitions in Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, USA, UK, Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Swiss, France, Germany, Italia.
As it known works are In national and private collections in 27 countries.

Artist shop
Sharashidze lado
Number of products: 18
Spring evening
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan

Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.

Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Вечерняя идиллия. Evening idyll.
Elena Kozar-Gurina (b. 1969)
Shop Kozar-Gurina Elena

Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.

Artist shop
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Number of products: 255
Летний вечер. Summer evening.
Elena Bolender (b. 1970)
Shop Bolender Elena

Elena Bolender
Меня зовут Болендер Елена, я пишу картины с 2014 года, в 2020 включена в Единый Реестр Профессиональных художников России, с присвоенной категорией 5В - сложившийся профессиональный художник (востребованный).
За это период участвовала в 9 выставках, 5 из которых были персональные, мои работы, на постоянной основе, размещены в местном музее, станица Динская , Краснодарского края.
Пишу, в основном, в стиле импрессионизм, имею собственную технику - мозаика. Люблю писать портреты и пейзажи.

Artist shop
Bolender Elena
Number of products: 51
Львов вечерний. Evening Lviv. Ukraine
Elena Kozar-Gurina (b. 1969)
Shop Kozar-Gurina Elena

Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.

Artist shop
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Number of products: 255