3 Items by auctions and galleries:
funny cat painting
Spongebob socks
Tanya Derksch (b. 1984)
Shop Derksch Tanya
Tanya Derksch
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Поэтому все делаем с любовью и только с позитивом!
Магия вязания - мощный оберег! Мы наполняем каждую петельку энергией добра, любви
Artist shop
Derksch Tanya
Number of products: 45
Lot 36 Robert Combas (né en 1957)
Robert Combas (1957)
AVANT-GARDE(S) Including Thinking Italian
Robert Combas
Robert Combas is a French painter and sculptor. He lives and works in Paris.
He is widely recognized as a progenitor of the figuration libre movement that began in Paris around 1980 as a reaction to the art establishment in general and minimalism and conceptual art in particular.
Figuration libre is often regarded as having roots in Fauvism and Expressionism and is linked to contemporary movements such as Bad Painting and Neo-expressionism. It draws on pop cultural influences such as graffiti, cartoons and rock music in an attempt to produce a more varied, direct and honest reflection of contemporary society, often satirizing or critiquing its excesses.
AVANT-GARDE(S) Including Thinking Italian
Date: 20.10.2022 13:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 50