gabriele mucchi (1899 - 2002)

Gabriele Mucchi was an Italian painter, graphic artist and architect. He is considered a co-founder of New Realism.
Gabriele Mucci studied civil engineering and architecture at the University of Bologna. His name became known outside Italy for his impressive frescoes, and his studio became a meeting place for the anti-fascist group Corrente.

Gabriele Mucchi was an Italian painter, graphic artist and architect. He is considered a co-founder of New Realism.
Gabriele Mucci studied civil engineering and architecture at the University of Bologna. His name became known outside Italy for his impressive frescoes, and his studio became a meeting place for the anti-fascist group Corrente.

Gabriele Mucchi was an Italian painter, graphic artist and architect. He is considered a co-founder of New Realism.
Gabriele Mucci studied civil engineering and architecture at the University of Bologna. His name became known outside Italy for his impressive frescoes, and his studio became a meeting place for the anti-fascist group Corrente.