38 Items by auctions and galleries:
gesellschaft jesu
Lot 179 Epiphanie III (Darstellung im Tempel)
Gottfried Helnwein (1948)
A439-A441. Modern, post war & contemporary 

Gottfried Helnwein
Gottfried Helnwein is an Austrian-Irish visual artist. He has worked as a painter, draftsman, photographer, muralist, sculptor, installation and performance artist, using a wide variety of techniques and media.
His work is concerned primarily with psychological and sociological anxiety, historical issues and political topics. His subject matter is the human condition. The metaphor for his art is dominated by the image of the child, particularly the wounded child, scarred physically and emotionally from within. His works often reference taboo and controversial issues from recent history, especially the Nazi rule and the horror of the Holocaust. As a result, his work is often considered provocative and controversial.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A439-A441. Modern, post war & contemporary
Date: 27.11.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 569