122 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 4244 Patek Philippe Rarität, eine der frühesten Patek Philippe Armbanduhren, Chronometro Gondolo Vermicelli, Genf 1907, mit Stammbuchauszug (Kopie)
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren
Date: 26.03.2022 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 350
Lot 4126 Taschenuhr: äußerst seltener Patek Philippe Taschen-Chronograph, Kaliber Chronometro Gondolo mit Kronendrücker, geliefert an Dubois in Rio de Janeiro, No. 80874, ca.1888
174. Auction: High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
174. Auction: High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 19.10.2019 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 183
Lot 4147 Taschenuhr: schweres, rotgoldenes Patek Philippe Chronometer, "Chronometro Gondolo" No. 134618, Genf ca.1907
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.03.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 282
Lot 4128 Taschenuhr: imposantes, schweres Taschenchronometer Patek Philippe "CHRONOMETRO GONDOLO", ca.1908
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.09.2019 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 249
Lot 4148 Taschenuhr: schweres Patek Philippe Taschenchronometer "Chronometro Gondolo" in 18K Gelbgold, ca.1915
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.03.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 282
Lot 4254 Außergewöhnlich großes Patek Philippe Taschenchronometer "Gondolo 56mm", ca. 1910
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren
Date: 26.03.2022 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 350
Lot 4150 Armbanduhr: Patek Philippe Rarität, eine der frühesten bekannten Damenarmbanduhren von Patek Philippe mit Emaillezifferblatt, Modell "GONDOLO LADY OFFICIER", ca.1920
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 15.09.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 275
Lot 4162 Taschenuhr: Patek Philippe Ankerchronometer "Gondolo" in besonders schwerer und großer Ausführung mit Box, Genf um 1906
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 15.09.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 275
Lot 4134 Taschenuhr: schweres Patek Philippe Ankerchronometer "Gondolo" mit äußerst seltenem Sonderzifferblatt, No.182519, ca. 1916
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.09.2019 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 249
Lot 4048 Taschenuhr: seltenes Patek Philippe Ankerchronometer "Gondolo" mit Patek Philippe Originalbox, Geneve 1912
177. High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
177. High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 23.11.2019 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 216
Lot 4149 Taschenuhr: hochfeines Taschenchronometer Patek Philippe "Chronometro Gondolo", ca.1908
177. High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
177. High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 23.11.2019 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 216
Lot 4108 Taschenuhr: seltenes Patek Philippe Ankerchronometer "Gondolo" mit Patek Philippe Originalbox, Geneve 1912
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 13.06.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 272