1 Items by auctions and galleries:
manfred dinnes (1950 - 2012)
Lot 29 Manfred Dinnes
Manfred Dinnes (1950 - 2012)
A1175: Towards Abstraction 

Manfred Dinnes
02.10.1950 - 23.08.2012
Manfred Dinnes is a German painter, sculptor, writer and art gallery director. He was also cultural editor of Europeonline magazine.
Manfred Dinnes travelled around the world to study other cultures in his youth. In 1973-74 he trained as a church painter-restorer. At the same time he was introduced to the craft of glass painting and glass blowing. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg in 1979, where he studied freehand painting with Gerhard Wendland, Ludwig Scharl and Franz Wintzinger.
Since founding Visual-Art Concepts in 2007, Dinnes has created large sculptures from 7 to 8 metres in height.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A1175: Towards Abstraction
Date: 27.04.2023 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 110