15 Items by auctions and galleries:
max gaisser (1857 - 1922)
Max Gaisser (1857 - 1922)
126-3: Gemälde 19. Jahrhundert 

Max Gaisser
22.06.1857 - 20.07.1922
Max Gaisser was a German representative of "narrative painting" (genre painting). Max Gaisser was the son of the painter Jakob Emanuel Gaisser.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
126-3: Gemälde 19. Jahrhundert
Date: 10.03.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 550
Lot 231 Münchhausen, im Damenkreis seine Schwänke erzählend
Max Gaisser (1857 - 1922)
Fine art auction 

Max Gaisser
22.06.1857 - 20.07.1922
Max Gaisser was a German representative of "narrative painting" (genre painting). Max Gaisser was the son of the painter Jakob Emanuel Gaisser.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
Fine art auction
Date: 15.07.2020 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 230 Raucher in altholländischer Stube
Max Gaisser (1857 - 1922)
Fine art auction 

Max Gaisser
22.06.1857 - 20.07.1922
Max Gaisser was a German representative of "narrative painting" (genre painting). Max Gaisser was the son of the painter Jakob Emanuel Gaisser.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
Fine art auction
Date: 15.07.2020 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271