modern art

Marsden Hartley, real name Edmund Hartley, was an American artist and poet, one of the greatest representatives of classical modernism in the United States.

Marsden Hartley, real name Edmund Hartley, was an American artist and poet, one of the greatest representatives of classical modernism in the United States.

Artur Segal was a Romanian artist and author.

Edward Stuart Davis was an American artist, a representative of Cubism and Pop Art in painting. He was also active in politics; one of Davis's goals was to "reconcile abstract art with Marxism and modern industrial society. Along with his paintings, Davis was also an engraver and member of the Society of American Graphic Artists.

Edward Stuart Davis was an American artist, a representative of Cubism and Pop Art in painting. He was also active in politics; one of Davis's goals was to "reconcile abstract art with Marxism and modern industrial society. Along with his paintings, Davis was also an engraver and member of the Society of American Graphic Artists.

Marsden Hartley, real name Edmund Hartley, was an American artist and poet, one of the greatest representatives of classical modernism in the United States.