8265 Items by auctions and galleries:
porzellan und keramik
Lot 1458 Fritsch, Waldemar Altrohlau 1909 - 1978 Ansbach, Bildhauer und Keramiker, arbeitete von 1948-54 für Rosenthal
A79-2: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design 

Yves Siebers Auktionen GmbH
A79-2: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design
Date: 18.11.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1316
Lot 3609 Frank SchmidTiefe: Meissen Porzellan, Drei Porzellanbücher / Bücher mit Seiten aus Meissner Porzellan, staffiert, Unikate!!!
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria 

EFREUNA Kunst- und Auktionshaus
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria
Date: 09.12.2017 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 699
Lot 3548 Frank SchmidTiefe: Meissen Porzellan, Porzellanbuch / Buch mit Seiten aus Meissner Porzellan, staffiert, Unikat!!!
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria 

EFREUNA Kunst- und Auktionshaus
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria
Date: 28.04.2018 12:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 868
Lot 692 Große Porzellanfigur 'Löwe'
Arthur Storch (1870 - 1947)
Aelteste Volkstedter Porcelain Factory
Art and antiques 

Arthur Storch
22.03.1870 - 09.03.1947
Arthur Storch was a German sculptor and porcelain modeller.
Born and raised in a family of artists, Storch was trained as a modeller at the Volkstädter porcelain factory and then studied at the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. Having established himself as a sculptor and medallist, he worked in Munich and Hamburg, and contributed to architectural jewellery in cities such as Wiesbaden and Hamburg. His legacy includes around 100 drawings, 12 medals and 40 sculptures.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Art and antiques
Date: 28.11.2020 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 430