4 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 53 Wojciech Fangor (1922 Warschau - 2015 ebenda) (F)
Wojciech Fangor (1922 - 2015)
A64: Kunst | Schmuck & Luxusuhren | Interior 

Wojciech Fangor
15.11.1922 - 25.10.2015
Wojciech Fangor was a Polish painter, graphic artist, sculptor and a co-creator of the Polish School of Posters.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
A64: Kunst | Schmuck & Luxusuhren | Interior
Date: 26.11.2022 13:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 303
Lot 119 Wojciech Fangor (1922 Warschau - 2015 ebenda) (F)
Wojciech Fangor (1922 - 2015)
Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst 

Wojciech Fangor
15.11.1922 - 25.10.2015
Wojciech Fangor was a Polish painter, graphic artist, sculptor and a co-creator of the Polish School of Posters.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst
Date: 27.05.2023 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 128