122 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 1411 Schnapsservice mit floralem Dekor Meissen, nach 1934, Weißporzellan, glasiert und mit polychromer Aufglasurbemalung versehen, mit Streublümchendekor und Goldrand, 8-tlg
A79-2: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design 

Yves Siebers Auktionen GmbH
A79-2: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design
Date: 18.11.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1316
Lot 457 Evelyn Neumann. Große Gipsskulptur 'Rechte Hand'.
Evelyn Neumann (?)

Evelyn Neumann
Evelyn Neumann is a German metal artist, sculptor and blacksmith.
In her studio in Kunsthaus Kremlin, Evelyn designs objects, jewelry and sculptures made of metal, including the use of used materials and objects that are transformed and reused in new compositions. In this way, the artist creates forged jewelry, can openers, hooks and hangers, welded grids, barrels and figurines, as well as industrial-style interiors.
Evelyn Neuman also casts and forges sculptures from small to natural sizes. She uses scrap iron, zinc, copper and tin to make bronze.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Date: 23.09.2023 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 487
Lot 1030 5 antike Schnapsstamper
Auction of art, antiquities, Varia, and highly important Meissen porcelain collection, part II 

Auktionshaus Bossard Im Rittergut am Barockschloss Lichtenwalde
Auction of art, antiquities, Varia, and highly important Meissen porcelain collection, part II
Date: 20.01.2018 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1655