2979 Items by auctions and galleries:
rahmen (28
Lot 1011 Ludwig TreichLänge: Landschaftsansicht / Gewitterstimmung am See, Öl auf Kupfer im Stuckrahmen, 20. Jahrhundert, sehr gut.
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria 

EFREUNA Kunst- und Auktionshaus
Jewelry, Fine Art, Fine Antiques, Militaria
Date: 09.12.2017 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 699
Lot 325 Ohne Titel (28.4.08)
Gerhard Richter (1932)
A454: Modern art & contemporary art 

Gerhard Richter
Gerhard Richter is a German visual artist. Richter has produced abstract as well as photorealistic paintings, and also photographs and glass pieces. He is widely regarded as one of the most important contemporary German artists and several of his works have set record prices at auction.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A454: Modern art & contemporary art
Date: 26.09.2020 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 134