3 Items by auctions and galleries:
rahmen (42,5 x 57,5cm)
Lot 112 Barbara Klemm. Christo. Verhüllter Reichstag Berlin
Barbara Klemm (1939)
130 Works from a German Corporate Collection – Part II 

Barbara Klemm

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
130 Works from a German Corporate Collection – Part II
Date: 13.03.2025 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 120
Lot 76 George Grosz. Ich will alles um mich her ausrotten, was mich einschränkt, daß ich nicht Herr bin (I. Akt, 1. Szene) (From: Die Räuber)
George Grosz (1893 - 1959)
1218. Auction ONLINE ONLY | Modern Art 

George Grosz
26.07.1893 - 06.07.1959
George Grosz was a twentieth-century German painter, graphic artist, and cartoonist. In his work one can find features of various styles of avant-garde art, including Dadaism, Expressionism, and Futurism.
George Grosz drew in every style in a sharp-grotesque and satirical spirit, ridiculing the vices of society. The erotic theme, which occupied a prominent place in Gross's work, was executed in the same spirit.
Grosz devoted more than 20 years to teaching at the Art Students League of New York, and was elected an honorary member of the American and Berlin Academies for his outstanding services to the arts.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
1218. Auction ONLINE ONLY | Modern Art
Date: 13.05.2024 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 115