1 Items by auctions and galleries:
romuald (romuald hвtozoumк) hazoumи
Lot 24 Romuald (Romuald Hвtozoumк) Hazoumи
Romuald Hazoumи (1962)
1169: Contemporary Curated 

Romuald Hazoumи
Germany, Benin
Romuald Hazoumé, or Romuald Hutzoumck, is one of Africa's leading artists and winner of the Arnold Bode Prize (Germany). He was awarded the prize for his installation "Dream," a replica of a ship transporting economic migrants from Africa to Europe made of canisters. In his art he mostly uses old gasoline cans. Hazume also creates oil paintings, large-scale installations, videos, and photographs.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
1169: Contemporary Curated
Date: 16.03.2023 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 109