6215 Items by auctions and galleries:
tasse und untertasse
Lot 361 Tee- und Kaffeeservice 'Mythos'
Paul Wunderlich (1927 - 2010)
Art and antiques 

Paul Wunderlich
10.03.1927 - 06.06.2010
Germany, France
Paul Wunderlich was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. He designed Surrealist paintings and erotic sculptures. He often created paintings which referred to mythological legends.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Art and antiques
Date: 30.11.2019 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 760
Lot 527 Tee- und Kaffeeservice 'Mythos'
Paul Wunderlich (1927 - 2010)
Auction 22: Decorative art 

Paul Wunderlich
10.03.1927 - 06.06.2010
Germany, France
Paul Wunderlich was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. He designed Surrealist paintings and erotic sculptures. He often created paintings which referred to mythological legends.

Auktionshaus Stahl
Auction 22: Decorative art
Date: 22.02.2020 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 261
Lot 44 Paul Wunderlich. Service-Objekt "Leda"
Paul Wunderlich (1927 - 2010)
1204. Auction ONLINE ONLY | German Post War 

Paul Wunderlich
10.03.1927 - 06.06.2010
Germany, France
Paul Wunderlich was a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. He designed Surrealist paintings and erotic sculptures. He often created paintings which referred to mythological legends.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
1204. Auction ONLINE ONLY | German Post War
Date: 25.01.2024 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 100
Lot 4371 Kaffeetasse mit sehr fein gemalter Weltkarte, mglw. Porzellanmanufaktur Yusupov in Arkhangelskoye, dazu Kaffeetasse mit Landschaftsansichten, Porzellanmanufaktur Popov, wohl/bzw. Russland, 1. Drittel 19. Jahrhundert
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles 

Hermann Historica
A80m - Day 1: International medals and military history collectibles
Date: 18.11.2019 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1058