156 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 4060 Taschenuhr: äußerst seltene, doppelseitige Weltzeit-Taschenuhr mit Tag/Nacht-Anzeige, "Hora-Universa", Schweiz um 1900
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 13.06.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 272
Lot 4218 Taschenuhr: äußerst seltene, doppelseitige astronomische Präzisionstaschenuhr mit Weltzeit-Anzeige, Patent 6585, H.M. Emanuel & Son, Portsea, England für den indischen Markt, ca. 1890
High-quality pocket and wrist watches, collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality pocket and wrist watches, collectible watches
Date: 16.03.2019 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 294
Lot 560 SEIKO Weltzeit-Wanduhr, Ref. QXA538K.
Jewelry, watches, silver, luxury watches & precious stones All prices include buyer's premium 

EPPLI Auktionshaus
Jewelry, watches, silver, luxury watches & precious stones All prices include buyer's premium
Date: 17.04.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 225
Lot 475 PATEK PHILIPPE Vintage Calatrava Weltzeit, Ref. 5110G-0001. Armbanduhr. Ca. 2000er Jahre.
Jewelry, watches, porcelain, silver, luxury watches & accessories 

EPPLI Auktionshaus
Jewelry, watches, porcelain, silver, luxury watches & accessories
Date: 04.09.2021 11:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 242
Lot 4190 Armbanduhr: seltener, automatischer 18K Armband-Wecker, Gübelin/Le Coultre Ipsovox "Weltzeit" Kaliber 825, um 1960
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 09.09.2017 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 292
Lot 4231 Taschenuhr: extrem seltene, frühe doppelseitige Weltzeituhr mit Vollkalender, Mondphase und Mondalter, Schweiz um 1890
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.03.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 282
Lot 2461 Patek Philippe Weltzeituhr mit handgefertigtem Email-Cloisonné Zifferblatt
Art auction, part II: stamps, jewelry, watches, fashion and accessories 

Schuler Auktionen
Art auction, part II: stamps, jewelry, watches, fashion and accessories
Date: 14.12.2017 15:40 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 680
Lot 4176 Armbanduhr: äußerst hochwertige Jaeger Le Coultre Weltzeituhr in 18K Roségold "Master Control Geographic" Ref. 142.240.922B, ungetragen mit kompletten Papieren, Originalrechnung von 2001 und Originalbox
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.09.2019 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 249
Lot 4169 Armbanduhr: exquisite Jaeger Le Coultre "Geographique" Weltzeituhr Ref. 169.6.92 in der seltenen Platinausführung, No. 122, nahezu neuwertig, Komplett-Revision 2020 mit Revisionspapieren
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High quality wrist watches and pocket watches, fine collector's watch
Date: 13.06.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 272
Lot 4181 Sportliche Herrenuhr mit Weltzeit-Lünette, Vogard "Timezoner", Ref. EV23, "Special Edition" mit Originalbox und Originalpapieren
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
213: Hochwertige Taschen- & Armbanduhren, Feine Sammleruhren
Date: 26.03.2022 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 350
Lot 518 SINN Die Frankfurter Weltzeituhr, Ref. 6060.2532, hergestellt ca. 2012/2013 in stark limitierter Auflage
Jewelry, Watches, Porcelain, Silver, Luxury Accessories 

EPPLI Auktionshaus
Jewelry, Watches, Porcelain, Silver, Luxury Accessories
Date: 02.12.2017 12:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 673
Lot 4005 Taschenuhr: seltene und ungewöhnliche Weltzeituhr, ehemaliger Adelsbesitz, ca. 1890
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 17.03.2018 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 5254 Armbanduhr: nahezu neuwertige, luxuriöse Weltzeituhr mit Brillantbesatz, Jacob & Co. "Five Time Zone - 47mm", Sondermodell "Starry Night Dial", Originalbox, Originalrechnung
Fine jewellery - Antique to Modern 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Fine jewellery - Antique to Modern
Date: 06.05.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 326
Lot 4155 Armbanduhr: ausgefallene, sehr seltene 18K Gold Weltzeituhr "Communication" der Marke Svend Andersen Geneve/ Kaliber Piguet, seltene Zifferblattvariante "Weltkarte", aus dem Jahr 1991, mit Papieren
High-quality pocket and wrist watches, collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality pocket and wrist watches, collectible watches
Date: 16.03.2019 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 294