12 Items by auctions and galleries:
wilhelm von kaulbach (1805 - 1874)
Lot 2437 Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874)
191. Kunstauktion Tag 3 

Wilhelm von Kaulbach
15.10.1805 - 07.04.1874
Wilhelm von Kaulbach was a German painter, noted mainly as a muralist, but also as a book illustrator. His murals decorate buildings in Munich. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.

Kunstauktionshaus Schloss Ahlden GmbH
191. Kunstauktion Tag 3
Date: 08.09.2024 10:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1133
Lot 408 Wilhelm von Kaulbach - Bildnis einer jungen Frau Brustbild im Profil nach rechts.
Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874)
407-3: Fine Art 15-20 century 

Wilhelm von Kaulbach
15.10.1805 - 07.04.1874
Wilhelm von Kaulbach was a German painter, noted mainly as a muralist, but also as a book illustrator. His murals decorate buildings in Munich. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
407-3: Fine Art 15-20 century
Date: 08.12.2022 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 181
Lot 3288 Wilhelm Ritter von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874) - persönliches Petschaft des bayerischen Hofmalers in Form eines kindlichen Satyrs mit Frosch
A96: Orders and Military Collectibles until 1918 

Hermann Historica
A96: Orders and Military Collectibles until 1918
Date: 11.05.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 633
Lot 4310 Wilhelm Ritter von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874) - persönliches Petschaft des bayerischen Hofmalers in Form eines kindlichen Satyrs mit Frosch
A94: Orders and Military Collectibles until 1918 

Hermann Historica
A94: Orders and Military Collectibles until 1918
Date: 27.10.2022 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 546
Lot 522 Wilhelm von Kaulbach - Hirtenknabe
Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805 - 1874)
Graphics and paintings 

Wilhelm von Kaulbach
15.10.1805 - 07.04.1874
Wilhelm von Kaulbach was a German painter, noted mainly as a muralist, but also as a book illustrator. His murals decorate buildings in Munich. He is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
Graphics and paintings
Date: 03.12.2020 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 241
Lot 385 Druckgraphik im Rahmen
Auction of art, antiquities, Varia, and highly important Meissen porcelain collection 

Auktionshaus Bossard Im Rittergut am Barockschloss Lichtenwalde
Auction of art, antiquities, Varia, and highly important Meissen porcelain collection
Date: 19.01.2018 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 916