Portrait Postmodern

Sebastian Gögel is a German painter and sculptor living and working in Leipzig.
Gögel graduated from the University of Graphic and Book Arts in Leipzig and has been working with Paul Hammer (1975) in the HAGEL project since 2005. Extremely diverse in his work, working methods, themes and concerns, Gögel fits into a unique tradition of German erudite conceptual artists. Through exaggerations, caricatures, and grotesques, Gögel simultaneously utilizes and refutes morality and representationalism. The artist's surrealistic paintings and highly varied styles are appealing and horrifying at the same time.

Margarita Pueva is a Bulgarian and German painter and sculptor.
She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. She has lived and worked in Germany since 1991 and opened the Pueva Gallery in Düsseldorf in 2003.
Pueva focused mainly on the human figure. The people in her paintings are strange, introverted, passive and vulnerable, but her work recalls the magical land of Alice and her Mad Hatter. She was inspired by medieval religious sculpture and the primitive art of Africa. Pueva's work is regularly presented in Germany, France, Italy, and the UK.