Portrait of Enheduanna Leinwand Ölfarbe Realismus Historienmalerei 2019

Zustand: | Vorhanden | Ukraine, Kharkiv
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Alexander Shinkarenko
Alexander Shinkarenko. Portrait of Enheduanna
Portrait of Enheduanna
{Canvas, oil. 100 cm / 70 cm. 2019}

the literal title is “Priestess of the abundance of heaven”; a personal name is unknown; about 2285-about 2250 BC) - the princess and the high priestess of the moon god Nanna in the city of Ur. Sumer. The earliest writer (author), known to us by name.
“... Enheduanna was born the daughter of the great king Sargon of Akkad, the ruler uniting northern and southern Mesopotamia. He founded the first royal dynasty (2371-2316 BC) and created the first empire in world history. In his many-sided power, it was Enheduanna who embodied and personified the highest spiritual power. The temples of those times were not only religious, but also educational centers.

“A Real Woman is endowed with great wisdom,
She uses tables from lapis lazuli,
She is an adviser in all worldly affairs
She measures the cosmos,
And verifies heavenly measures with ropes on the earth ... "
2260 BC

Informationen zum Künstler

Архитектор и Художник.
Работаю в разных стилях, но предпочитаю Реализм.
В сюжет каждой картины вкладываю философию и свое мироощущение.

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