PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)

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ID 838968
Los 11 | PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)

Maternité II

signed and dated ‘Paul Gauguin 1899’ (lower right)

oil on burlap

37 1/4 x 24 in. (94.7 x 61 cm.)

Painted in Tahiti in 1899


The artist; Estate sale, Papeete, 2 September 1903, lot 104.

Jean Cochin, Paris (acquired at the above sale).

Denys Cochin, Paris (1906).

Galerie Bernheim-Jeune et Cie., Paris (acquired from the above, 28 February 1910).

Alphonse Kann, Paris (acquired from the above, 28 February 1910).

(possibly) Michel Manzi, Paris (circa 1915).

Dikran Khan Kélékian, Paris and New York (by 1920); sale, American Art Association, New York, 30-31 January 1922, lot 152.

Bourgeois Gallery, Paris (acquired at the above sale).

Adolph Lewisohn, New York (by 1926).

Sam Lewisohn, New York (by descent from the above, circa 1942).

Wildenstein & Co. Inc., New York (acquired from the above, 1942).

Mrs. Henry Huttleston Rogers Jr. (acquired from the above, 1943, until at least 1948).

Wildenstein & Co. Inc., New York (acquired from the above).

Edwin C. and Florence Vogel, New York (acquired from the above, 1952).

David Rockefeller, New York (acquired from the above, 1956).

John Seward Sr. and Barbara Piasecka Johnson, Princeton (acquired from the above, circa 1975, until at least 1990).

Nevill Keating Pictures, Ltd., London.

Private collection (acquired from the above, circa 1997); sale, Sotheby's, New York, 4 November 2004, lot 15 (world auction record for the artist at the time of sale).

Acquired at the above sale by the late owner.


Vizzavona, ed., Recueil: Oeuvre de Paul Gauguin; Photographies de E. Druet, Bretagne, vol. 1 (illustrated).

Vizzavona, ed., Recueil: Oeuvre de Paul Gauguin; Photographies de E. Druet, Œuvres diverses, vol. 8 (illustrated twice).

V. Segalen, "Gauguin dans son dernier décor" in Mercure de France, June 1904, no. 174, p. 682.

C.J. Holmes, Notes on the Post-Impressionist Painters: Grafton Galleries, 1910-1911, London, 1910, pp. 23-24, no. 41 (titled Négresses).

D. MacCarthy, "The Exhibition at the Grafton Galleries: Gauguin and Van Gogh" in Spectator, 26 November 1910, pp. 902-903.

M. Puy, "Paul Gauguin" in L'art décoratif: Revue de l'art ancien et de la vie artistique moderne, April 1911, no. 151, p. 183 (illustrated; titled Tahitiennes).

C. Morice, Paul Gauguin, Paris, 1919, p. 164 (illustrated).

A. Alexandre, Collection Kélékian: Tableaux de l'Ecole française moderne, Paris, 1920 (illustrated, pl. 41).

H.E. Field, "The Metropolitan French Show" in The Arts, May 1921, vol. I, no. 5, p. 2.

S. Haweis, "Paul Gauguin: Artist" in International Studio, May 1921, vol. LXXIII, no. 290, p. 95 (illustrated, p. 97; titled Natives of Tahiti).

Art in America, August 1921, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 213.

W.S. Blunt, My Diaries: Being a Personal Narrative of Events; 1900-1914: The Coalition against Germany, New York, 1922, vol. 2, p. 329.

F. Watson, "American Collections: No. 3; The Adolph Lewisohn Collection" in Arts, July-December 1926, vol. 10, p. 33 (illustrated, p. 33).

H. Hertz, "Paul Gauguin" in Art in America and Elsewhere, April 1927, vol. 15, no. 3 , p. 150 (illustrated).

S. Bourgeois, The Adolph Lewisohn Collection of Modern French Paintings and Sculptures, New York, 1928, p. 162 (illustrated, p. 163).

S. Bourgeois, "The Passion of Art Collecting: Notes on the Adolph Lewisohn Collection" in Art News, 14 April 1928, vol. XXVI, no. 28, p. 64.

A. Alexandre, Paul Gauguin: Sa vie et le sens de son œuvre, Paris, 1930, p. 267 (illustrated; titled Pastorale Taïtienne).

F. Cossio del Pomar, Arte y vida de Pablo Gauguin, Madrid, 1930, p. 364 (illustrated, p. 325, pl. LV; titled Tahitianas/Escena Tahitiana).

R.H. Wilenski, French Painting, Boston, 1931, p. 289 (dated circa 1896).

S. Bourgeois and W. George, "L'art français du XIXe et du XXe siècles à la collection Adolphe et Samuel Lewisohn" in Formes: Revue internationale des arts plastiques, September-October 1932, no. 28-29, p. 303 (illustrated, p. 302).

C. Kunstler, Anciens et Modernes: Gauguin, Paris, 1934, p. 164 (illustrated, p. 77).

G.L. McCann Morley, "The Gauguin Exhibition" in San Francisco Art Association Bulletin, September 1936, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 5.

S.A. Lewisohn, Painters and Personality: A Collector's View of Modern Art, New York, 1937, pp. 61-62 (illustrated, p. 58, pl. 29).

"Gauguin et Victor Segalen" in L'amour de l'art, December 1938, no. 10, p. 384.

J. Rewald, Gauguin, Paris, 1938, p. 167 (illustrated, p. 141; dated circa 1896).

S.A. Lewisohn, "Four Memoirs of the Growth of Art and Taste in America: The Collector; Personalities Past and Present" in Art News Annual, 1939, vol. 37, no. 22, p. 154 (illustrated, p. 69).

R. Cogniat, Gauguin, Paris, 1947 (illustrated, pl. 94; dated circa 1896).

C. Kunstler, Gauguin: Peintre maudit, Paris, 1947 (illustrated, pl. 36).

L. van Dovski, Paul Gauguin oder die Flucht vor der Zivilisation, Olten, 1950, pp. 281 and 351-352, no. 332 (dated 1896).

J. Loize, De Maillol et Codet à Ségalen: Les amitiés du peintre Georges-Daniel de Monfreid et ses reliques de Gauguin, Paris, 1951, p. 133, no. 360 and p. 162, no. 553 (titled Trois Tahitiennes).

C. Estienne, Gauguin, Geneva, 1953, p. 84 (illustrated in color, p. 85; dated 1896).

A.M. Frankfurter, "Collectors and Modern Million-Dollar Taste" in Art News, March 1953, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 24 (illustrated in color, p. 24; dated 1889).

C. Chassé, Gauguin et son temps, Paris, 1955, p. 148.

B.H. Friedman, "Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions" in The Burlington Magazine, June 1956, vol. 98, no. 639, p. 212 (dated 1896).

H. Read, "Gauguin: Return to Symbolism" in Art News Annual, 1956, no. 25, pp. 125 and 145 (illustrated in color, p. 145; dated 1889).

R. Goldwater, Paul Gauguin, New York, 1957, p. 134 (illustrated in color, p. 135; dated 1896).

C. Sterling, Musée de l'Ermitage: La peinture française de Poussin à nos jours, Paris, 1957, pp. 132 and 134 (dated 1897-1899).

G. Wildenstein, "L'idéologie et l'esthétique dans deux tableaux-clés de Gauguin" and "Vente des oeuvres d'art, livres et objets ayant appartenu à Gauguin: 2 septembre 1903" in Gazette des beaux-arts, special issue, Gauguin: Sa vie, son œuvre; Réunion de textes, d'études, de documents, 1958, p. 137 (illustrated, p. 152, fig. 19; dated 1896) and pp. 205 and 207, respectively.

R. Puig, Paul Gauguin, G.D. de Monfreid et leurs amis, Perpignan, 1958, p. 35 (titled Tahitiennes).

"Ausstellung Paul Gauguin" in Die Weltkunst, June 1959, no. 11, pp. 9-11.

M. Denis, Journal, 1921-1943, Paris, 1959, vol. 3, p. 241.

R. Huyghe, Gauguin, Paris, 1959, p. 75 (illustrated in color; dated 1896).

J. Richardson, "Shorter Notices: Gauguin at Chicago and New York" in The Burlington Magazine, May 1959, vol. 101, no. 674, p. 191, no. 61.

M. Malingue, "L'homme qui a réinventé la peinture" in Gauguin, Paris, 1960, p. 124.

M. Rheims, "La cote des Gauguin" in Gauguin, Paris, 1960, p. 221 (titled Les Trois Vahinées).

H. Perruchot, La vie de Gauguin, Paris, 1961, p. 334, note I and p. 386.

A. Langer, Paul Gauguin, Leipzig, 1963, p. 63 (illustrated in color, pl. 71; dated 1896).

G. Wildenstein, Gauguin, Paris, 1964, vol. I, pp. 245-246, no. 582 (illustrated, p. 245).

C. Chassé, Gauguin sans légendes, Paris, 1965, p. 141 (illustrated, p. 140; with incorrect support).

B. Danielsson, Gauguin in the South Seas, London, 1965, p. 211.

A. Kantor-Goukovskaïa, ???? ????? ????? ? ??????????, Leningrad, 1965, p. 162 (dated 1896).

P. O'Reilly, Catalogue du Musée Gauguin: Papeari, Tahiti, Paris, 1966, p. 128.

P.C. Nicholls, Gauguin, New York, 1967, p. 30 (illustrated in color, pl. 65).

W.V. Andersen, Gauguin's Paradise Lost, New York, 1971, p. 248 (illustrated, p. 345, fig. 131).

G. Mandel Sugana, L'opera completa di Gauguin, Milan, 1972, p. 112, no. 403 (illustrated, p. 110).

L. van Dowski, Die Wahrheit über Gauguin, Darmstadt, 1973, pp. 220-221 and 273, no. 332 (dated 1896).

B. Danielsson, Gauguin à Tahiti et aux îles Marquises, Papeete, 1975, p. 221.

P. Leprohon, Paul Gauguin, Paris, 1975, pp. 271 and 317.

E. Fezzi, Gauguin: Every Painting, New York, 1980, vol. II, p. 76, no. 561 (illustrated, p. 77).

Z. Amishai-Maisels, Gauguin's Religious Themes, New York, 1985, pp. 288, 305-308, 325, 333, notes 67, 68 and 72, and p. 546 (illustrated, fig. 138).

R. Goldwater, Primitivism in Modern Art, Cambridge, 1986, p. 77 (dated 1896).

M. Malingue, La vie prodigieuse de Gauguin, Paris, 1987, p. 303.

R. Brettell, F. Cachin, C. Frèches-Thory and C.F. Stuckey, The Art of Paul Gauguin, exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1988, p. 423.

J.B. Bullen, ed., Post-Impressionists in England, London, 1988, pp. 113 and 127.

F. Cachin, Gauguin, Paris, 1988, p. 239.

A. Kantor-Goukovskaïa, A. Barskaïa and M. Bessonova, Paul Gauguin: Musée de l'Ermitage, Musée des Beaux-Arts Pouchkine, Paris, 1988, p. 144 (illustrated).

P. Daix, Paul Gauguin, Paris, 1989, pp. 304, 354 and 356.

G. Manceron, "Segalen et Gauguin" in Gauguin: Actes du colloque Gauguin; Musée d'Orsay, 11-13 January 1989, Paris, 1991, pp. 41 and 47, note 51.

C. Christensen, "The Painting Materials and Technique of Paul Gauguin" in Studies in the History of Art, 1993, vol. 41, p. 94.

Paul Gauguin e l’avanguardia russa, exh. cat., Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 1995, pp. 120 and 126.

N. Margolis Maurer, The Pursuit of Spiritual Wisdom: The Thought and Art of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, Madison, 1998, pp. 171-172 (illustrated in color, fig. 373).

S.A. Stein, "From the Beginning: Collecting and Exhibiting Gauguin in New York" in The Lure of the Exotic: Gauguin in New York Collections, exh. cat., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2002, pp. 166-168 and 230, note 83 (illustrated in situ at the Lewisohn apartment, p. 160, fig. 62; illustrated again in situ at the 1921 exhibition, p. 167, fig. 64).

P. Laudon, Tahiti-Gauguin: Mythe et vérités, Paris, 2003, p. 120.

G. Manceron, "Koké et Tépéva: Victor Segalen dans les pas de Gauguin" in Gauguin Tahiti: L'atelier des tropiques, exh. cat., Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 2003, pp. 325 and 330, note 26.

K. White, "Parvenir à la béatitude" in Paul Gauguin: Héritage et confrontations; Actes du colloque des 6, 7 et 8 mars 2003 à l'Université de la Polynésie Française, Papeete, 2003, pp. 225-226 (titled Femmes sur le bord de la mer).

A. Gruetzner Robins, "'Manet and the Post-Impressionists': A Checklist of Exhibits" in The Burlington Magazine, December 2010, vol. CLII, no. 1293, p. 787, note 54.

M. Jakobi, Gauguin-Signac: La genèse du titre contemporain, Paris, 2015, p. 191, no. 143 (illustrated).

M. Stone, "The Most Expensive, Over-The-Top Pieces of Art Owned by Tech Billionaires" in Business Insider France, 9 May 2015 (illustrated in color).

P. Zegers, "Gauguin, Cat. 102, The Rape of Europa, from the Suite of Late Wood-Block Prints" in Gauguin Paintings, Sculpture, and Graphic Works at The Art Institute of Chicago, 2016 (illustrated in color, fig. 1.28).

D. Wildenstein, S. Crussard and R.R. Brettell, Gauguin: Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, 1891-1903 (, no. W582 (illustrated in color).


Paris, Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées, Société du Salon d’Automne, 4me Exposition, October-November 1906, p. 201, no. 213.

London, Grafton Galleries, Manet and the Post-Impressionists, November 1910-January 1911, p. 19, no. 41 (titled Négresses).

The Brooklyn Museum, Paintings by Modern French Masters Representing the Post-Impressionist and their Predecessors, March-April 1921, no. 119 (illustrated; titled Natives of Tahiti).

New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Loan Exhibition of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings, May-September 1921, p. 12, no. 48 (illustrated).

New York, Union League Club, Exhibition of ‘Modern’ Pictures Representing Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Expressionist and Cubist Painters, April 1924, no. 17.

Cleveland Museum of Art, Fifty Years of French Art, October-November 1926.

New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Summer Exhibition: Painting and Sculpture, July-September 1933.

New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Modern European Art, October 1933, p. 3.

San Francisco Museum of Art, Paul Gauguin: Exhibition of Paintings and Prints, September-October 1936, p. 17, no. 19 (illustrated).

The Brooklyn Museum, Gauguin Prints and Drawings, June-October 1938.

San Francisco, Treasure Island, Masterworks of Five Centuries: Golden Gate International Exposition, February-October 1939, no. 148 (illustrated, pl. 148; dated circa 1896).

New York, Wildenstein & Co. Inc., A Loan Exhibition of Paul Gauguin, April-May 1946, p. 63, no. 7 (illustrated, p. 21).

New York, Wildenstein & Co. Inc., Six Masters of Post-Impressionism, April-May 1948, p. 27, no. 17 (illustrated, p. 34; dated 1896).

New York, Paul Rosenberg & Co., Collector’s Choice: Masterpieces of French Art from New York Private Collections, May-April 1953, p. 66, no. 27 (illustrated, p. 67; dated 1896 and with incorrect support).

Paris, Musée de l’Orangerie, De David à Toulouse-Lautrec: Chefs-d’œuvre des collections américaines, April-July 1955, no. 30 (illustrated, pl. 76; dated 1896).

New York, Wildenstein & Co. Inc., Gauguin: Loan Exhibition for the Benefit of the Citizens' Committee for Children of New York City, Inc., April-May 1956, p. 19, no. 45 (illustrated, p. 57; dated 1896).

The Art Institute of Chicago and New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gauguin: Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Sculpture, February-May 1959, pp. 56-57, no. 61 (illustrated in color on the frontispiece; dated circa 1896).

New York, M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., Impressionist Treasures from Private Collections in New York, January 1966, p. 18, no. 10 (illustrated; dated 1896).

Stockholm, Etnografiska Museet, Nationalmuseum, Gauguin i Söderhavet, March-April 1970, pp. 94-95, no. 53 (illustrated, p. 74).

Tokyo, The National Museum of Art and Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery, Paul Gauguin, March-June 1987, p. 142, no. 120 (illustrated in color, p. 141).

Warsaw, Royal Castle, Opus Sacrum: From the Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson, April-September 1990, pp. 278 and 280-281, no. 49 (illustrated in color, p. 279; detail illustrated in color, p. 281, fig. 2).

Seattle, Experience Music Project, DoubleTake: From Monet to Lichtenstein, April 2006-January 2007, pp. 6-7 and 17 (illustrated in color, p. 16).

Seattle Art Museum, Gauguin and Polynesia: An Elusive Paradise, February-April 2012, pp. 297 and 368, no. 296.

Seattle, Pivot Art + Culture, A Closer Look: Portraits from the Paul G. Allen Family Collection, December 2016-March 2017.

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[JARRY, Alfred (1873-1907) et Remy de GOURMONT (1858-1915), éd.]
[JARRY, Alfred (1873-1907) et Remy de GOURMONT (1858-1915), éd.]
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
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PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
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PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
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PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
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PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
PAUL GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
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