Paintings Classic Modern — Classic modern post war, сontemporary art

Arnold Balwé was a German post-impressionist painter.
He studied at the Antwerp Academy of Art and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, traveled extensively and painted landscapes he saw. Balwe's work is characterized by color intensity and vitality.

Arnold Balwé was a German post-impressionist painter.
He studied at the Antwerp Academy of Art and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, traveled extensively and painted landscapes he saw. Balwe's work is characterized by color intensity and vitality.

Arnold Balwé was a German post-impressionist painter.
He studied at the Antwerp Academy of Art and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, traveled extensively and painted landscapes he saw. Balwe's work is characterized by color intensity and vitality.

Arnold Balwé was a German post-impressionist painter.
He studied at the Antwerp Academy of Art and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, traveled extensively and painted landscapes he saw. Balwe's work is characterized by color intensity and vitality.

Alexander Georg Rudolf Bauer was a German-born painter who was involved in the avant-garde group Der Sturm in Berlin, and whose work would become central to the non-objective art collection of Solomon R. Guggenheim.

Francis Bott war als deutscher Maler ein Vertreter der „Zweiten École de Paris“, also des französischen „Informel“. Sein künstlerisches Schaffen weist zwei scheinbar gegensätzliche Schwerpunkte auf: surreale, phantastische Gegenständlichkeit und tachistisch, geometrische Abstraktion. Sein Werk besteht aus Gemälden, Glasmalereien, Handzeichnungen, Aquarellen, Gouachen, Plastiken und Objekten; auch als Bühnenbildner hat er sich betätigt.

Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau was a French poet, playwright, novelist, designer, filmmaker, visual artist and critic. He was one of the foremost creatives of the surrealist, avant-garde, and Dadaist movements; and one of the most influential figures in early 20th-century art as a whole. The National Observer suggested that, “of the artistic generation whose daring gave birth to Twentieth Century Art, Cocteau came closest to being a Renaissance man.”

Corneille, born Cornelis Guillaume van Beverloo, was a Dutch painter, graphic artist, sculptor and photographer.
Corneille was one of the founders of the REFLEX movement and the COBRA group.

Max Liebermann was a German painter and printmaker, and one of the leading proponents of Impressionism in Germany and continental Europe. In addition to his activity as an artist, he also assembled an important collection of French Impressionist works.

Max Liebermann was a German painter and printmaker, and one of the leading proponents of Impressionism in Germany and continental Europe. In addition to his activity as an artist, he also assembled an important collection of French Impressionist works.

Max Liebermann was a German painter and printmaker, and one of the leading proponents of Impressionism in Germany and continental Europe. In addition to his activity as an artist, he also assembled an important collection of French Impressionist works.

August Robert Ludwig Macke was an eminent German expressionist painter, founder and member of the Blue Rider association. His very colorful and individual style is today referred to as the Macke style, characterized by a harmonious combination of colors and the play of light effects. His favorite subjects of his works were sketches from the life of the city, as well as nature and man. The paintings of August Macke give an impression of joy and lightness.

Heinrich Nauen was a German artist, teacher, a prominent representative of the Rhenish expressionism; creativity includes paintings, watercolors, drawings, printed graphics, monumental painting, mosaics and applied arts.