Картина «Портрет Гортэнзии Манчини», 2-ая половина 17 века
Якоб Фердинанд Воэ (1639-1700 г.) флaмандская школа. Масло на холсте, подписана художником.
Размер 74,3*60,5.
Провенанс: RAFAEL VALLS Gallery, Лондон
Якоб Фердинанд Воэ (1639-1700 г.) флaмандская школа. Масло на холсте, подписана художником.
Размер 74,3*60,5.
Провенанс: RAFAEL VALLS Gallery, Лондон
ID: | 5441 |
Information about the shop
Antuque Salon KLIO
St. Furmanov 144 A
002112 Almaty

Frequently asked questions
- You can buy the product immediately by clicking on the button "Buy it now".
- You can offer your price for an item by clicking on the "Make offer" button and wait for a response from the seller.
You will need to contact the owner for exact delivery information:
- Click the "Contact Seller"button on the product page.
- Enter the message and address where you want the goods delivered.
- Click the "Send" button.
- The seller will email you the necessary information.