Портрет современной женщины, воплотившей дух прошедшей эпохи
ID: | 11738 |
Artist: | Alexander Tolstikov (b. 1953) |
Year of manufacture: | 2018 |
Size: | 2.5 x 175 x 85 cm |
Art style: | Realism |
Information about the artist
Академик Российской Академии Художеств;
Чл-корр РАН
Чл-корр РАН

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Frequently asked questions
- Click the button "Contact the artist" on the proposal site.
- Transmit Your delivery address and click "Send"
- The seller sends You a payment information. After receiving the payment, the seller will send the order to Your address with approval to the conditions.
- Click the button "Contact the artist" on the artwork page.
- Transmit Your proposed item price and Your delivery address, so the artist can determine the delivery price.
- The artist makes an individual price proposal, including the delivery price.
- Agree to the proposal and order the item.