from series “Levitation“ Victor Sidorenko Cardboard Mixed media Socialist realism Genre art 2016
from series “Levitation“
silkscreen printing, paper,
embossed, acrylic
90 х 110 cm,
silkscreen printing, paper,
embossed, acrylic
90 х 110 cm,
ID: | 21307 |
Artist: | Victor Sidorenko |
Originality: | Original |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2016 |
Applied technique: | Mixed media |
Medium: | Cardboard |
Size: | 5 x 110 x 90 cm |
Framing: | Framed |
Art style: | Socialist realism |
Genre: | Genre art |
Information about the gallery
Tuzov Gallery
str. Naberejno-Ribalskaya, 3
03150 Kyiv
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