"Утренняя дымка" Canvas Acrylic painting Impressionism Landscape painting 2017
На полотне изображены заросли будяков,в которых дикая перепелка спрятала от посторонних глаз своё гнездо.
Работа выполнена акрилом на холсте ,мастехином.
Работа выполнена акрилом на холсте ,мастехином.
ID: | 14843 |
Artist: | Irina Yaresko (b. 1974) |
Originality: | Original |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2017 |
Applied technique: | Acrylic painting |
Medium: | Canvas |
Size: | 2 x 80 x 80 cm |
Framing: | Unframed |
Art style: | Impressionism |
Genre: | Landscape painting |
Information about the artist
В 2001 г.закончила Национальную Академию Искусств и архитектуры,факультет станковой графики.Живу и работаю в г.Ирпень,Киевской обл.Работы выполнены акрилом на холсте,мастехином.

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Frequently asked questions
- Click the button "Contact the artist" on the proposal site.
- Transmit Your delivery address and click "Send"
- The seller sends You a payment information. After receiving the payment, the seller will send the order to Your address with approval to the conditions.
- Click the button "Contact the artist" on the artwork page.
- Transmit Your proposed item price and Your delivery address, so the artist can determine the delivery price.
- The artist makes an individual price proposal, including the delivery price.
- Agree to the proposal and order the item.