Древнеславянский бог Чернобог | Ancient Slavic god Chernobog Wood Wood carving Historicism Mythological painting Ukraine 2019
"Ancient Slavic god Chernobog" from the conceived cycle of paintings "Pre-Christian Russia.
The size of the painting is 140x190 mm (14x19 cm). Thickness 22 mm. The material is birch. Coating - staining, glossy varnish. On the reverse side there is a decorative loop for hanging on the wall, on the sides it is edged with four decorative corners.
Размер картины 140х190 мм (14х19 см). Толщина 22 мм. Материал - береза. Покрытие - морилка, глянцевый лак. На обратной стороне установлена декоративная петля для подвешивания на стену, с боков окантована четырьмя декоративными уголками.
The size of the painting is 140x190 mm (14x19 cm). Thickness 22 mm. The material is birch. Coating - staining, glossy varnish. On the reverse side there is a decorative loop for hanging on the wall, on the sides it is edged with four decorative corners.
Размер картины 140х190 мм (14х19 см). Толщина 22 мм. Материал - береза. Покрытие - морилка, глянцевый лак. На обратной стороне установлена декоративная петля для подвешивания на стену, с боков окантована четырьмя декоративными уголками.
ID: | 28357 |
Artist: | Sergey Anikin (b. 1967) |
Originality: | Original |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2019 |
Applied technique: | Wood carving |
Medium: | Wood |
Size: | 14 x 19 x 2.2 cm |
Framing: | Unframed |
Art style: | Historicism |
Genre: | Mythological painting |
Place of origin: | Ukraine |
Category: | Design Paintings |
Information about the artist
Занимаюсь созданием арт-объектов из дерева и металла, резных картин христианской и дохристианской тематики. Пишу картины маслом. Большой опыт работы в видеопроизводстве, графическом и 3D дизайне, скульптуре, в том числе создании интерьеров и экстерьеров, при работе с ювелирными изделиями.
I am engaged in the creation of art objects in wood and metal, carved pictures of Christian and pre-Christian themes. I paint oil paintings.
Extensive experience in video production, in graphic and 3d design, sculpting, including the creation of interiors and exteriors, when working with jewelry.
I am engaged in the creation of art objects in wood and metal, carved pictures of Christian and pre-Christian themes. I paint oil paintings.
Extensive experience in video production, in graphic and 3d design, sculpting, including the creation of interiors and exteriors, when working with jewelry.

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