DARWIN, Charles. Interessante lotto dedicato al celebre naturalista che include diversi testi in inglese, francese e italiano fra cui la prima edizione di Insectivorous Plants

Lot 128
21.09.2021 10:30UTC +01:00
€ 2 750
AuctioneerIl Ponte Casa d'Aste
Event locationItaly, Milano
Buyer Premium26.0%
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 610015
Lot 128 | DARWIN, Charles. Interessante lotto dedicato al celebre naturalista che include diversi testi in inglese, francese e italiano fra cui la prima edizione di Insectivorous Plants
Estimate value
€ 200 – 300
[DARWIN, Charles] - Interessante lotto dedicato al celebre naturalista che include diversi testi in inglese, francese e italiano fra cui la prima edizione di Insectivorous Plants. Londra: John Murray, 1875 in tela verde editoriale; On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Londra: John Murray, 1869. Quinta edizione con aggiunte e correzioni in legatura editoriale in tela verde titolata in oro (alcune sottolineature nel testo); The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Londra: John Murray, 1872 con le pagine pubblicitarie finali datate novembre 1872 legato in tela verde editoriale.

An interesting lot dedicated to the renown naturalist which includes several texts in English, French and Italian among which is the first edition of Insectivorous Plants. London: John Murray, 1875 in editorial green canvas; On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray, 1869. Fifth edition with additions and corrections in editorial green cloth titled in gilt (some underlinings); The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. London: John Murray, 1872 with final advertising pages dated November 1972 bound in editorial green cloth. The lot also includes the translations: Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale. Turin, UTET, 1875 in printed editorial boards; De l'origine des espèces, ou Des lois du progrès chez les êtres organisés … traduit en français sur la 3e édition.. par Mlle Clémence-Auguste Royer. Paris: Guillaumin, 1862 in red cloth. And finally two books on the famous author: [Beverley, Robert Mackenzie?]. The Darwinian Theory of the Transmutation of Species. London: James Nisbet, 1868 in brown cloth titled in gilt - Charles Darwin par Henry de Varigny. Paris: Hachette, 1889
Address of auction Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
Via Pontaccio 12
20121 Milano
16.09.2021 – 18.09.2021
Phone +39 02 863141
Fax +39 02 72022083
Buyer Premium 26.0%
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