Marcks, Gerhard

Lot 21
12.07.2023 11:00UTC +01:00
€ 10 000
AuctioneerNagel Auktionen GmbH
Event locationGermany, Stuttgart
Buyer Premium29,5%
The auction is completed. No bids can be placed anymore.
ID 991730
Lot 21 | Marcks, Gerhard
Estimate value
€ 8 000 – 12 000
Marcks, Gerhard - Berlin, 1889 - 1981 - "Kniender Prophet", 1936. Bronze, brown patina, on bronze base. Signed and numbered 1/8 on the base. Foundry stamp: Guss Barth Berlin. Rudloff, 330. Gerhard Marck's work diary plaster/bronze no. 173. - Private property, Donaueschingen.Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Oflingen/Hochrhein.Private collection, Baden-Württemberg, acquired there in 1971.Exhibition:A cast of this sculpture was exhibited in:"Gerhard Marcks", Galerie Buchholz, Cologne 1937, cat. no. 16."Gerhard Marcks", Kunstsalon Fischer, Bielefeld 1937, cat.-no. 16."Christliche Kunst der Gegenwart", Stadt Köln, Köln 1948, cat.-no. 386."Gerhard Marcks", Kunstverein, Hamburg 1949, cat.-no. 62."Gerhard Marcks", Galerie Hoffmann, Hamburg 1949."Gerhard Marcks", Kloster Marienberg, Helmstedt 1965, cat.-no. 1."Gerhard Marcks", Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York 1967, cat.-no. 68."Gerhard Marcks", Sally Judd Gallery, Portland 1970."Kunstausstellung der Evangelischen Kirche", Öflingen 1971, cat.-fig. p. 103.Literature: Hugo Schnell, "Christliche Kunst der Gegenwart" in: "Das Münster", 1949, Jg. 2, h. 7/8, p. 200."Knaurs Lexikon der Modernen Plastik", München/Zurich 1961, p. 195, with ill.
H. 41 cm
Address of auction Nagel Auktionen GmbH
Neckarstrasse 189 - 191
70190 Stuttgart
21.06.2023 00:35 – 00:35
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