School of Paris - photo 1

School of Paris

The Paris School, a term first used in 1925 by art critic André Warnod, refers to the diverse group of artists, both French and foreign-born, who resided in Paris during the first half of the 20th century. This term, however, was not always used positively, as some critics viewed these immigrant artists, many of whom were Jewish, as a threat to French art's purity. The School of Paris was known for its stylistic diversity, with artists experimenting in various styles such as Cubism, Orphism, Surrealism, and Dada.

Among the notable figures of this school were Amedeo Modigliani, known for his modern approach to figure painting, and Marc Chagall, a leading artist of the School during the 1920s and '30s. Modigliani's works, such as "Nu couché," which sold for a staggering $157.2 million at Sotheby's, highlight the School's impact on modern art. Chagall's work, like "Bride with Fan," exhibited the unique charm and luminescence characteristic of his style, influenced by the avant-garde in Paris.

The School of Paris saw a significant influx of Jewish artists, who came to be known as the Jewish School of Paris or the School of Montparnasse. This subset of artists was stylistically diverse, with some working in a cubist style and others leaning towards expressing mood rather than emphasizing formal structure. The Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme in Paris houses works from these School of Paris artists.

The Second World War marked the end of this vibrant artistic era. The Parisian avant-garde community experienced a decline, as many artists fled to New York or returned to their homelands. Post-war, the term "School of Paris" was redefined, shedding its associations with anti-Semitism and coming to denote the group of émigré artists working in Paris more generally.

For collectors and art experts, the Paris School represents a significant period in art history, a time of innovation and the creation of masterpieces that continue to influence and inspire the art world today.

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Start of the period:1900
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