Antonio Pandiani (1838 - 1928)

Antonio Pandiani (1838 - 1928) - photo 1

Antonio Pandiani

Date and place of birt:25 june 1838, Milan, Italy
Date and place of death:3 april 1928, Milan, Italy
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:Animalistic, Genre sculptur, Portrait sculpture, Small Form Sculpture, Бюст, Предметы интерьера
Art style:Neoclassicism
Antonio PANDIANI (1838-1928) - Now at the auction

Now at the auction Antonio Pandiani

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Creators Neoclassicism

Gabriel-François Doyen (1726 - 1806)
Gabriel-François Doyen
1726 - 1806
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison (1762 - 1844)
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison
1762 - 1844
Pelagio Palagi (1775 - 1860)
Pelagio Palagi
1775 - 1860
Victor-Jean Nicolle (1754 - 1826)
Victor-Jean Nicolle
1754 - 1826
Giovanni Battista Cipriani (1727 - 1785)
Giovanni Battista Cipriani
1727 - 1785
Luigi Sabatelli (1772 - 1850)
Luigi Sabatelli
1772 - 1850
Gaspare Landi (1756 - 1830)
Gaspare Landi
1756 - 1830
Johann Peter Krafft (1780 - 1856)
Johann Peter Krafft
1780 - 1856
Vasily Kozmich Shebuev (1777 - 1855)
Vasily Kozmich Shebuev
1777 - 1855
Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard (1743 - 1809)
Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard
1743 - 1809
Edward Armitage (1817 - 1896)
Edward Armitage
1817 - 1896
Joseph Wright (1734 - 1797)
Joseph Wright
1734 - 1797
Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793 - 1867)
Clarkson Frederick Stanfield
1793 - 1867
Jean-François Leleu (1729 - 1807)
Jean-François Leleu
1729 - 1807
János Fadrusz (1858 - 1903)
János Fadrusz
1858 - 1903
Guillaume Guillon (1760 - 1832)
Guillaume Guillon
1760 - 1832