Barend Graat (1628 - 1709) - photo 1

Barend Graat

Date and place of birt:21 september 1628, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date and place of death:4 november 1709, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Decorator, Draftsman, Engraver, Painter
Art school / group:Золотой век голландской живописи
Genre:Animalistic, Genre Portrait, History painting, Landscape painting, Religious genre, Secular portrait
Art style:Baroque, Old Masters
Barend Graat. Holy Family - Auction prices

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Creators Baroque

Charles Lorraine Smith (1751 - 1835)
Charles Lorraine Smith
1751 - 1835
Carstian Luyckx (1623 - 1670)
Carstian Luyckx
1623 - 1670
Matthäus Günther (1705 - 1788)
Matthäus Günther
1705 - 1788
James Basire I (1730 - 1802)
James Basire I
1730 - 1802
Giuseppe Caletti (1600 - 1660)
Giuseppe Caletti
1600 - 1660
Tilly Kettle (1735 - 1786)
Tilly Kettle
1735 - 1786
Gherardo Poli (1676 - 1739)
Gherardo Poli
1676 - 1739
Niccolò Bambini (1651 - 1736)
Niccolò Bambini
1651 - 1736
Johann George Böhm II (1696 - 1738)
Johann George Böhm II
1696 - 1738
Anthony Claesz II (1607 - 1649)
Anthony Claesz II
1607 - 1649
Giovanni Battista dalla Torre (1585 - 1641)
Giovanni Battista dalla Torre
1585 - 1641
Noël Coypel (1628 - 1707)
Noël Coypel
1628 - 1707
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1609 - 1664)
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
1609 - 1664
Juan de Valdés Leal (1622 - 1690)
Juan de Valdés Leal
1622 - 1690
Michelangelo Cerquozzi (1602 - 1660)
Michelangelo Cerquozzi
1602 - 1660
Luigi Garzi (1638 - 1721)
Luigi Garzi
1638 - 1721