Berenice Alice Abbott (1898 - 1991)

Berenice Alice Abbott (1898 - 1991) - photo 1

Berenice Alice Abbott

Berenice Alice Abbott was an American photographer best known for her portraits of between-the-wars 20th century cultural figures, New York City photographs of architecture and urban design of the 1930s, and science interpretation in the 1940s to 1960s.


Date and place of birt:17 july 1898, Springfield, USA
Date and place of death:9 december 1991, Monson, USA
Nationality:France, USA
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter, Photographer, Portraitist, Sculptor
Genre:Cityscape, Cityscape photography, Landscape painting, Portrait, Rural landscape, Street Photography, Портретная фотография
Art style:Contemporary art

Creators France

Adolphe Yvon (1817 - 1893)
Adolphe Yvon
1817 - 1893
 Corneille (1922 - 2010)
1922 - 2010
Eugène Flandin (1809 - 1889)
Eugène Flandin
1809 - 1889
Olivier Brice (1933)
Olivier Brice
François-Louis Français (1814 - 1897)
François-Louis Français
1814 - 1897
Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour (1838 - 1910)
Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour
1838 - 1910
Marguerite Gérard (1761 - 1837)
Marguerite Gérard
1761 - 1837
Émile Bernard (1868 - 1941)
Émile Bernard
1868 - 1941
Denys Puech (1854 - 1942)
Denys Puech
1854 - 1942
Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659 - 1743)
Hyacinthe Rigaud
1659 - 1743
Gaston Prunier (1863 - 1927)
Gaston Prunier
1863 - 1927
Jean Lebedeff (1884 - 1972)
Jean Lebedeff
1884 - 1972
Master of Marguerite de Willerval (XV century)
Master of Marguerite de Willerval
XV century
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (1749 - 1803)
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
1749 - 1803
Joseph Parrocel (1646 - 1704)
Joseph Parrocel
1646 - 1704
Nils Forsberg (1842 - 1934)
Nils Forsberg
1842 - 1934

Creators Contemporary art

Nikolai Ivanovich Andronov (1929 - 1998)
Nikolai Ivanovich Andronov
1929 - 1998
John Miller (1954)
John Miller
George Julian Zolnay (1863 - 1949)
George Julian Zolnay
1863 - 1949
Lascăr Vorel (1879 - 1918)
Lascăr Vorel
1879 - 1918
Simon Dittrich (1940)
Simon Dittrich
Miriam Davenport (1915 - 1999)
Miriam Davenport
1915 - 1999
Peter Stroud (1921 - 2012)
Peter Stroud
1921 - 2012
Peter Phillips (1939)
Peter Phillips
Jing Kewen (1965)
Jing Kewen
Irma Blank (1934 - 2023)
Irma Blank
1934 - 2023
Amy Sillman (1955)
Amy Sillman
Ernst Caramelle (1952)
Ernst Caramelle
Jacobus Cornelis Johannes van der Heyden (1928 - 2012)
Jacobus Cornelis Johannes van der Heyden
1928 - 2012
Jindrich Zeithammel (1949)
Jindrich Zeithammel
Andreas Reimann (1946)
Andreas Reimann
Walter Inglis Anderson (1903 - 1965)
Walter Inglis Anderson
1903 - 1965