Ha Chong-Hyun (1935) - photo 1

Ha Chong-Hyun

Date and place of birt:1935, Sancheong County, South Korea
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Educator, Painter
Art school / group:Korean school
Art style:Abstract art, Post War Art, Contemporary art
HA CHONG-HYUN (B. 1935) - Auction prices

Auction prices Ha Chong-Hyun

All lots
1 lot
were auctioned
Open auction archive

Creators Abstract art

William Richard Crutchfield (1932 - 2015)
William Richard Crutchfield
1932 - 2015
Albert Guillaume (1873 - 1942)
Albert Guillaume
1873 - 1942
Joey Terrill (1955)
Joey Terrill
Anthony Burgess (1917 - 1993)
Anthony Burgess
1917 - 1993
Bernd Zimmer (1948)
Bernd Zimmer
Vivian Springford (1913 - 2003)
Vivian Springford
1913 - 2003
Craig Kauffman (1932 - 2010)
Craig Kauffman
1932 - 2010
Maqbool Fida Husain (1915 - 2011)
Maqbool Fida Husain
1915 - 2011
Kurt Wallstab (1920 - 2002)
Kurt Wallstab
1920 - 2002
Jean-Luc Moulene (1955)
Jean-Luc Moulene
Alfred Glaus (1890 - 1971)
Alfred Glaus
1890 - 1971
Edward Mesyash (1929 - 2007)
Edward Mesyash
1929 - 2007
Betty Beaumont (1946)
Betty Beaumont
Sean Scully (1945)
Sean Scully
Ivan Fedoseevich Dziuban (1923 - 2008)
Ivan Fedoseevich Dziuban
1923 - 2008
Andre Arbus (1903 - 1969)
Andre Arbus
1903 - 1969