James Sillett (1764 - 1840) - photo 1

James Sillett

James Sillett was a British painter and botanical illustrator.

Sillett was a versatile artist of the Norwich school: he produced landscapes with accurate sketches of architectural structures, portraits, and was also a master of botanical still lifes. His paintings often have an academic style, and his illustrations for botanical publications were praised for their accuracy and attention to detail. He also did illustrations of various animals in natural history.

Date and place of birt:May 1764, Norwich, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:6 may 1840, Norwich, United Kingdom
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Illustrator, Painter
Art school / group:Норвичская школа
Genre:Architectural landscape, Flower still life, Landscape painting, Portrait, Still life
Art style:Academism, Romanticism

Creators Academism

Eugen Krüger (1832 - 1876)
Eugen Krüger
1832 - 1876
Carl Rahl (1812 - 1865)
Carl Rahl
1812 - 1865
Albert Ludwig Trippel (1813 - 1854)
Albert Ludwig Trippel
1813 - 1854
Adolph Kaufman (1848 - 1916)
Adolph Kaufman
1848 - 1916
Julius Eduard Helfft (1818 - 1894)
Julius Eduard Helfft
1818 - 1894
Giuseppe Costantini (1843 - 1893)
Giuseppe Costantini
1843 - 1893
Hermann Anschütz (1802 - 1880)
Hermann Anschütz
1802 - 1880
Paul Chaigneau (1879 - 1938)
Paul Chaigneau
1879 - 1938
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Nicholas Pocock
1740 - 1821
Karl Wimar (1828 - 1862)
Karl Wimar
1828 - 1862
Heinrich Ambros Eckert (1807 - 1840)
Heinrich Ambros Eckert
1807 - 1840
Karl Krazeisen (1794 - 1878)
Karl Krazeisen
1794 - 1878
August Löffler (1822 - 1866)
August Löffler
1822 - 1866
Johan Fredrik Höckert (1826 - 1866)
Johan Fredrik Höckert
1826 - 1866
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Geist (1870 - 1931)
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Geist
1870 - 1931
Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets (1816 - 1846)
Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechenets
1816 - 1846