Jan Commelin (1629 - 1692) - photo 1

Jan Commelin

Jan Commelin (Dutch: Jan Commelin or Jan Commelijn), also Johannes Commelin, was a Dutch botanist.

Jan Commelin is the son of the historian Isaac Commelin. He was a professor of botany and director of the Amsterdam Botanical Gardens. Jan Commelin wrote many scientific works on botany, notably compiling the first volume of descriptions of East and West Indian plants. The second volume was written by Jan's nephew, the botanist Caspar Kommelin, who expanded the earlier descriptions and added notes on African plants.

Date and place of birt:23 april 1629, Leiden, The Netherlands
Date and place of death:19 january 1692, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Botanist, Scientist, Writer