
Matthieu Bonafous was a prominent French botanist and agronomist.
Bonafous was an innovator in 19th century agronomy, specializing in technical farming, with a particular interest in corn and its economic importance as a food crop. He also studied mulberry trees and created new species for silkworm breeding, and wrote many scientific articles, including one on rice.
As a teacher, Matthieu Bonafous offered a traveling course based on direct contact with practitioners of scientific farming.

Filippo Bonanni or Buonanni was an Italian Jesuit scholar. His many works included treatises on fields ranging from anatomy to music. He created the earliest practical illustrated guide for shell collectors in 1681, for which he is considered a founder of conchology. He also published a study of lacquer that has been of lasting value since his death.

Aimé Bonpland, born Aimé Jacques Alexandre Goujaud, was a French and Argentine natural scientist, traveler, physician, and botanist.
Bonpland became famous for his participation in an expedition to the Americas. Together with the explorer Alexander von Humboldt, he traveled through much of the American territory, from Cuman to the United States, passing through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, and Cuba, in addition to Venezuela. In all these places he did a great deal of botanical work, describing and collecting six thousand species of American plants, many of which were new. The scientist made them known in Europe after his return in 1804, publishing several scientific papers. Four years later, Bonpland was appointed botanist of the Empress's Garden.
After more years, he returned to Buenos Aires and continued numerous botanical, zoological, and medical studies in various regions of South America. Bonpland sent plants to the Museum of Natural History in Paris and maintained correspondence with its naturalists.

Patrick Browne was an Irish physician and historian, traveler, naturalist and botanist.
Patrick Browne studied medicine in Paris, graduated from the University of Reims, continued his studies in Leiden, and then worked as a doctor at St. Thomas' Hospital in London. Subsequently, he lived for many years in the Caribbean, in Antigua, Santa Cruz, Montserrat and Jamaica, where he practiced medicine. He devoted all his spare time to the study of the natural history of the island. In 1771, Brown returned to Mayo County.
In 1756, Brown published A Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, his most significant work in terms of Carl Linnaeus's botanical nomenclature, which included new names for 104 genera.

Otto Brunfels (also Brunsfels, Braunfels) was a German theologian, botanist and physician.
After studying theology and philosophy at the University of Mainz, Brunfels went to a Cartesian monastery near Strasbourg and later became interested in botany there. 1524 he opened a school in Strasbourg. In 1530, Brunfels began studying medicine at the University of Basel and two years later became city physician in Bern, where he remained for the rest of his life.
In addition to theological works, Brunfels published works on education, Arabic, pharmacy, and botany. His Herbarium Vivae Icones (1530 and 1536) and Contrafayt Kreüterbuch (1532-1537) contain woodcuts of German plants with their German common names. The 135 original woodcuts are detailed, accurate, and realistic depictions of living plants by the German artist and engraver Hans Weiditz. Brunfels' work contributed to the shift away from medieval outdated herbalism to the establishment of botany as a modern science. Carl Linnaeus considered Brunfels one of the founders of modern botany.

Gherardo Cibo also known by the alias of Ulisse Severini da Cingoli was an artist and a herbalist from Italy. The herbarium that he began in 1532 is the oldest surviving example of the method invented in Italy by his contemporaries and is preserved in Rome. His illustrations of plants show plants in the foreground with landscapes and details of people and places in the background.

Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella was an ancient Roman author of books on agriculture.
As a young man he was a soldier and tribune in the Roman army, but then devoted himself entirely to farming in Italy. Fully extant are De re rustica in 12 books, Columella's second and more complete study of farming and village life, and De arboribus ("On Trees"), which was part of an earlier work. Both books are written in a clear, non-academic style, the author clearly trying to instill in the reader a love of farming and the simple life.
Columella in his writings sometimes quotes from the works of Cato the Elder and Marcus Terentius Varrone, which all together provide an important source of knowledge about life at the time. The book On Farming, published in 1745, is an English translation of Columella's De re rustica and De arboribus.

Caspar Commelin was a Dutch botanist and mycologist.
Caspar Commelin was trained as a medical doctor, practiced botanical science and worked on books that were left unfinished due to the death of his uncle, botanist Jan Commelin. Caspar was mainly interested in exotic plants.

Jan Commelin (Dutch: Jan Commelin or Jan Commelijn), also Johannes Commelin, was a Dutch botanist.
Jan Commelin is the son of the historian Isaac Commelin. He was a professor of botany and director of the Amsterdam Botanical Gardens. Jan Commelin wrote many scientific works on botany, notably compiling the first volume of descriptions of East and West Indian plants. The second volume was written by Jan's nephew, the botanist Caspar Kommelin, who expanded the earlier descriptions and added notes on African plants.

William Curtis was a British botanist and entomologist, editor of the oldest botanical publication in Great Britain.
Curtis became interested in natural history in his youth, and at the age of 25 had already published "Instructions for the Collection and Preservation of Insects", particularly butterflies. In 1779 he founded his own London botanical garden at Lambeth and published Flora Londinensis (1777-1798), a 6-volume work on urban nature.
In 1787 Curtis began publishing the later popular Botanical Magazine, which also featured hand-colored plates by artists. This magazine has changed its name several times over time, but is still continued by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, as a publication for those interested in horticulture, ecology or botanical illustration. Interestingly, the magazine was entirely hand-colored until 1948.

Lewis David de Schweinitz (also Ludwig David von Schweinitz), born on February 13, 1780, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was a German-American botanist and mycologist. His parents, Hans Christian Alexander and Dorothea Elizabeth von Watteville von Schweinitz, were instrumental in the administration of the Moravian Church in America. Following his early education in Bethlehem, Schweinitz was sent to Germany in 1798 to continue his academic pursuits.
In Germany, Schweinitz enrolled in the Moravian Theological Seminary at Niesky in Silesia. It was there that he met Professor Albertini, who shared his interest in botany. Schweinitz's focus on the study of fungi earned him the title "Father of North American Mycology." His contributions to the field were significant, as he was the first American to concentrate his botanical efforts specifically on fungi.
Among his many accomplishments, Schweinitz produced extensive mycological illustrations and published works on the subject. His manuscripts and watercolor paintings of fungi served as reference materials in the development of his Conspectus, a compendium of his findings and classifications. The impact of his work was so considerable that several taxa were named in his honor, highlighting his legacy in the world of botany and mycology.
Schweinitz passed away on February 8, 1834, but his legacy endures through his scientific contributions and the respect he garnered internationally as a botanist. His life and work continue to be celebrated and studied by those in the field, and his illustrations and findings remain a significant part of mycological history.

Denis Dodart was a French botanist, naturalist and physician.
Dodart studied at the University of Paris, received a doctorate in medicine and was already in his youth known for his erudition, eloquence and open-mindedness. In 1673 he was elected to the French Academy of Sciences.
He is known for his early studies of plant respiration and growth. Dodart collaborated with the French engraver Nicolas Robert to illustrate his botanical works.

Georg Dionysius Ehret was a German botanist and entomologist known for his botanical illustrations.
Ehret's original art work may be found at the Natural History Museum in London, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Royal Society, London, the Lindley Library at the Royal Horticultural Society, the Victoria and Albert Museum, at the University Library of Erlangen, the LuEsther T. Mertz Library of the New York Botanical Garden, and the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Johann Sigismund Elsholtz (also Elßholtz, Elßholz, Elsholz, Latin Elsholtius) was a German physician, botanist and chemist, a pioneer of hygiene.
Elsholtz studied at the universities of Wittenberg, Königsberg, and Padua, where he received his doctorate. In 1654, he published Anthropometry, written for artists and astrologers as well as students of medicine and physiognomy. The book also explored the supposed relationship between the proportions of the human body and morbidity. Elsholtz was a very versatile scientist and worked in the fields of horticulture, botany, alchemy, astrology, dietetics and medicine, among others.
Elsholtz was later appointed court botanist, alchemist and physician to Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg (1620-1688), and in 1657 was placed in charge of his botanical gardens in Berlin, Potsdam and Oranienburg. In 1672 his treatise Vom Garten-Baw: Oder Unterricht von der Gärtnerey auff das Clima der Chur-Marck Brandenburg was published in Berlin. ("From the Garden Bow or Lessons in Gardening in the Climate of Chur-Marck Brandenburg." It presents the latest gardening techniques for the German climate, discussing flower gardens and their design, vegetable gardens, medicinal gardens, and vineyard care and design.
Elsholtz was a German pioneer in the field of cleanliness and nutrition. Generally speaking, the term "hygiene" first appeared in German in 1682 in his Dietetikon. It is the term he uses to describe the principle of maintaining good health. In his book, the doctor makes recommendations for healthy eating and drinking. He calls for clean water and good air and emphasizes the importance of personal hygiene. Elsholtz was one of the first to administer intravenous injections to people around 1665.

Gabriele Falloppio was an Italian physician and anatomist of the Renaissance.
Originally a priest, Falloppio soon left for Ferrara to study medicine and was later appointed anatomy professor there, and in 1548 he became head of the anatomy department at Pisa. Three years later he accepted the offer of the Venetian Senate to become professor of anatomy, surgery, and botany at Padua, where he remained for the rest of his life. It was in this city that he made his most famous discoveries, was director of the famous botanical garden, and wrote two medical textbooks.
He also gained a reputation as an excellent teacher and lecturer, attracting many Italian and foreign students to the medical faculty of the University of Padua. As a physician, he made a thorough study of the clinical aspects and treatment of syphilis, and proposed the condom as a defense against venereal disease.
Falloppio was a versatile scientist and an able physician and surgeon, describing, among other things, the semicircular canals, the cuneiform sinuses, the trigeminal, auditory and lingual pharyngeal nerves, the canal of the facial nerve, and the fallopian tubes, named Fallopian tubes in his honor. Falloppio described his discoveries in his three-volume work Opera genuina omnia, published in Frankfurt in 1600 and in Venice in 1606.

Giovanni Battista Ferrari was an Italian Jesuit scholar, professor of Oriental languages and botanist.
Giovanni Ferrari had linguistic abilities and at the age of 21 knew Hebrew well, spoke and wrote Greek and Latin perfectly, and learned Syriac. He became professor of Hebrew and rhetoric at the Jesuit College in Rome and edited a Syriac-Latin dictionary in 1622.
Ferrari always showed great interest in the systematics and classification of fruits. He was appointed head of the chair of Hebraistics at the College of Rome and held this position for 28 years. In 1623, Ferrari became horticultural advisor to the family of Pope Urban VIII at the Palazzo Barberini, which soon became famous for its rare plants, including orange trees. Ferrari later wrote the first book on citrus trees, equating them to the mythical golden apples of the Hesperides conquered by Hercules. Orange trees became an important element of Baroque gardens, symbolizing the rewards earned by the magnanimous prince. The scientist also described the medicinal properties of citrus fruits.
In 1633, the first treatise on floriculture, De florum cultura, was published. In it, Ferrari describes garden layout with contemporary examples, flower specimens and their cultivation, and general horticulture.

Leonhart Fuchs was a German humanist scientist, botanist, and physician.
Fuchs received a humanistic education under Catholic guidance, but later became a Protestant. He studied medicine and became a professor in Tübingen. He was most interested in the medicinal properties of plants. Well acquainted with the Greek and Latin classics and an excellent observer, he gave precise descriptions, and his beautiful engravings of plants established the tradition of depicting plants with precise illustrations and in alphabetical order.
In 1542 Fuchs published his most important work, De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes (Famous Commentaries on the History of Plants). The book was a great success, especially because of the magnificent woodcuts and the 487 plants, which were described for the first time in such a systematic form. De Historia Stirpium survived several editions and was translated into Dutch and German.

Adrian Hardy Haworth was a British scientist of entomology, botany and carcinology, and a Fellow of the Linnean Society.
Haworth made significant contributions to botany and entomology, describing many species of plants and insects. He summarized and published the results of his entomological collections in the extensive Lepidoptera Britannica (1803-1828), which was the first major monograph on the scales of Britain and one of the most authoritative works of the 19th century. Haworth was also a carcinologist and specialized in shrimps.

Friedrich Gottlob Hayne was a German botanist, taxonomist, pharmacist and professor.
After many years of teaching, he was appointed Professor of Pharmaceutical Botany in 1828. In addition to his lecturing duties he led many botanical excursions. He was known for using precise terminology in his plant descriptions.

John Hill was a British botanist, pharmacologist and physician, geologist, writer and journalist.
Hill edited the monthly British Magazine for several years, and also wrote a daily society gossip column in The London Advertiser and Literary Gazette. His satirical, often on the edge of propriety articles were often the cause of scandals. Hill also wrote novels, plays, and scientific works on geology, medicine, philosophy, and botany.
In 1759, the first of the 26 volumes of his Plant System was published. This voluminous work contained descriptions of 26,000 different plants and 1,600 illustrations. For this long work, Hill received the Order of Vasa from the Swedish king and began calling himself Sir.

Martinus Houttuyn (Dutch: Maarten Houttuyn) was a Dutch botanist, zoologist and physician.
In addition to his medical practice, Houttuyn practiced science and published many scientific works on natural history, including minerals, fossils, botany and zoology. He was also a keen student of ferns, mosses and seed plants.

William Howe or How was a British botanist and physician.
He studied at St. John's College, Oxford, earning a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree in medicine. He served briefly in the King's army as a cavalry commander, and later returned to the medical profession and practiced in London.
In his Phytologia Britannica, natales exhibens Indigenarum stirpium sponte Emergentium ("Phytology Britannica"), published in London in 1650, William Howe combined Thomas Johnson's catalogs into a single alphabetical list, supplemented with additional plants from other sources. This was the first edition of the book to compile for the first time all the known plants of Britain with descriptions of their occurrence.

Johann Hermann Knoop was a Dutch and German horticulturist, agronomist and botanist.
Knoop followed his father to work as a gardener in Marienburg, located near Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. He is considered the founder of the science in agronomy that deals with the study of varieties of fruit and berry plants - pomology. Several plants were named in Knoop's honor. He wrote several books on horticulture - Pomology, Fructology and Dendrology), the color engravings in them showing the great variety of form, scale and color of the best fruit varieties. According to Utrecht University, the engravings for Pomologia are by Jacob Volkema and Jan Kasper Phillips.

Jan Kops is a Dutch agronomist, botanist and publisher of thematic journals.
In his youth, Kops was interested in botany, but had to study to become a priest. He soon became disillusioned with a career as a preacher and took up his favorite occupation. The fruit of his botanical research was the first volume of the Flora of Batavia, published in 1800. He was engaged in the task of converting the dunes into agricultural land.
Kops great importance to the country's agriculture lies mainly in his work as the first Dutch agricultural official. He possessed great efficiency and great perseverance. On Kops's initiative, the first Dutch agricultural journal, Magazijn van Vaderlandschen Landbouw, appeared between 1803 and 1814, which he himself edited.

Levinus Lemnius (Dutch: Lieven Lemse, Lenneus, Lennius, Lemmens, Lemnii of Lemnes) was a Dutch physician, philosopher, botanist and writer.
He studied under the famous Swiss botanist and bibliographer Conrad Gesner at the University of Louvain and under the famous Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius at the University of Padua. Lemnius's book On the Habit and Constitution of the Body was translated by Thomas Newton, an Anglican clergyman who translated some of Lemnius's treatises into English, as well as other modern continental and classical works.
Lemnius is considered the first author to describe the plants mentioned in the Bible, in T. Newton's translation, Herbal for the Bible (1587). Levin Lemnius's most famous book is Occulta naturae miracula (1559), a book of mysteries that was reprinted many times over a period of four hundred years.

Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish naturalist, botanist and physician.
Carl Linnaeus created a unified system of classification of flora and fauna, in which he summarized and organized the knowledge of the entire previous period of development of biological science. He was the first to formulate the principles of definition of living beings of natural nature and created a unified system of their names, binary nomenclature. Linnaeus' book "The System of Nature", first published in 1735, is one of the most important books in the history of science and practically opened the classification of plants and animals.
Linnaeus was a professor at Uppsala University for many years, and he is also valued in Sweden as one of the creators of the literary Swedish language in its modern form. In addition to his work in botany and scientific classification, Linnaeus led many activities for the betterment of his native country. He was also involved in the establishment of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Amelia Hannah Long, Lady Farnborough was a British watercolor artist.
She was the heiress to her parents' art collection and is known as an art connoisseur as well as an accomplished horticultural designer of garden layouts.
In painting, Amelia Long specialized in watercolor landscapes of her home area of Bromley in Kent County. Her work is held in Galleries Scotland, Dundee Art Gallery, the British Museum and Bromley Historical Collections.

Jane Webb Loudon, full name Jane Wells Webb Loudon, is an English futurological writer, one of the pioneers of the science fiction genre, an artist and amateur botanist.
At the age of 20, Loudon wrote the novel that brought her fame, "The Mummy!" (1827). Set in the year 2126, the novel describes an England filled with advanced technology, including automated lawyers and steam-powered surgeons, coffee makers, and an information highway resembling the modern Internet.
Loudon was married to the well-known horticulturist John Claudius Loudon, and they wrote several books together, and she also published her own very successful series of books with titles such as Gardening for Women, A Lady's Companion to the Flower Garden.

Pietro Andrea Gregorio Mattioli was a 16th-century Italian physician, botanist and pharmacist.
Mattioli studied medicine in Padua and obtained a medical practice first in his hometown. Later, in the 1555-1560s, he served as personal physician to the imperial court of Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria, and Emperor Maximilian II. This high position allowed him to test the effects of poisonous plants on prisoners for scientific purposes.
Mattioli published several scientific works in which he included many of his own observations on the flora of the Alps, including previously unexplored plants. These works, based on the study of books by predecessor scientists, gave impetus to the development of botany throughout Italy at the time. Mattioli kept up a lively correspondence with other researchers, describing specimens of rare plants received from them. The genus of flowering plants Matthiola is named after Mattioli.

Friedrich Miquel, full name Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel, was a Dutch botanist, professor of botany at Utrecht and Amsterdam Universities.
Miquel was also head of the botanical gardens in Rotterdam (1835-1846) and Amsterdam (1846-1859), and was head of the State Herbarium in Leiden from 1862. Friedrich Miquel wrote several books on the flora of the Dutch East Indies. Corresponding with collectors in Australia and Indonesia, he amassed large herbarium collections from these regions.

Taurus Palladius, full name Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius, more commonly simply Palladius, was an ancient Roman author of scientific books on agriculture.
This wealthy landowner had a classical education and personally managed his estates in southern Italy and Sardinia. He passed on his wealth of experience to his descendants. Palladius' voluminous work on agriculture in 15 books, De re rustica libri XIV, has survived to our time. The author begins with general instructions and prescriptions on methods of determining the suitability of the soil and descriptions of various agricultural buildings, and each building is devoted to a separate chapter. The next 12 books give a detailed enumeration of rural work (including viticulture, olive and honey harvesting, olive oil and wine making, and repairing buildings), organized by the months of the year when it should be carried out in order to obtain a good harvest.

Peter Simon Pállas was a German and Russian scientist-encyclopedist, naturalist and traveler, who gave almost all his life to the service of Russia.
The breadth of his scientific interests made him a true encyclopedist, but he was particularly interested in natural sciences. By the age of 25, Pallas had already acquired European fame as a major scientist-naturalist. At the same time he received an invitation from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, where he was offered a professorship. In 1767, Pallas arrived in St. Petersburg with his wife and soon led several important expeditions to Siberia and southern Russia. In his numerous ethnographic descriptions, the scientist was the first to report in detail on the Kalmyks, Tatars, Mordvins, Chuvashs, Nagaians, Tungus (Evenks), Votyaks (Udmurts), and Cheremis (Mari). In addition, he brought with him large natural-scientific collections. Later he traveled with scientific expeditions to Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Crimea and other previously unexplored lands.
In 1785 Catherine II attracted Pallas to the collection and comparative analysis of the languages of the peoples inhabiting America, Asia, Europe and Russia, and he compiled and published a comparative dictionary in two parts (1787-1789), in which more than 200 languages and dialects of the peoples of Asia and Europe were presented. In the last years of his life, among other things, Pallas was engaged in the preparation of a fundamental three-volume work on the fauna of Russia, Zoographia rosso-asiatica ("Russian-Asiatic Zoology"), in which more than 900 species of vertebrates, including 151 species of mammals, of which about 50 new species were introduced. This work was so extensive, and the descriptions of the animals were so thorough and detailed, that until the early 20th century the book remained the main source of knowledge about the fauna of Russia. In 1810. Peter Pallas went to Berlin to prepare illustrations for this work, but a year later the famous scientist died and was buried in Berlin.
A volcano in the Kuril Islands, a reef off New Guinea, and many animals and plants are named after Pallas.

Sydney Parkinson was a Scottish artist who sailed on the Endeavour with Captain Cook to South America, Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia.
The talented natural history illustrator was hired by renowned English naturalist and botanist Joseph Banks on James Cook's first voyage in the Pacific. In three years, Parkinson managed to make more than a thousand drawings of plants and animals collected by Banks and Daniel Solander during the voyage. And their number was staggeringly huge. He was also the first to draw the local inhabitants with the precision of an explorer. Parkinson's duties also included keeping a journal on board the ship. Without exaggeration, the artist's heroic and dedicated work under harsh conditions led to his premature death - he died of dysentery at sea on his way to Cape Town.
Sidney Parkinson was the first European artist to visit Australia, New Zealand and Tahiti. Without his Herculean efforts as a botanical artist, Banks' work would not have had such high scientific value. A large number of Parkinson's works have survived: the British Museum holds 18 volumes of his drawings of plants, of which eight relate to Australian plants, three volumes on zoological subjects, of which several sketches relate to Australia, and many of his landscapes and other drawings, mostly of the inhabitants of Tahiti and New Zealand.

Alfred William Parsons was a British artist, illustrator and renowned garden designer, a Fellow of the Royal Academy.
He studied at the Kensington School of Art and was a keen gardener thanks to his gardener father. Parsons' favorite subject matter in his paintings is flowering gardens, paths between flowerbeds, and coastal riverscapes. His detailed botanical illustrations led to an acquaintance with William Robinson, one of the great gardeners of his day. He commissioned Parsons to create illustrations for The Wild Garden, and then received his first garden commission from architect Philip Webb. Parsons created several more simple but stunning gardens that harmonized new and traditional elements.
After traveling to Japan, Parsons published his impressions of the country under the title Notes in Japan (1896), and he painted 132 watercolors depicting roses for Ellen Willmott's book Rod Rosa.

Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl was an Austrian and Czech scientist, botanist, naturalist, and traveler.
Pohl studied in Prague, earned a doctorate in medicine and practiced science, becoming one of the most prominent botanists in Bohemia. Consequently, he was invited on an expedition to Brazil. Johann Pohl arrived in Brazil in 1817 with the Italian botanist Giuseppe Raddi as part of a large scientific expedition sent by Francis I of Austria, and spent four years traveling through the states of Minas Gerais, Goias, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, including some 30 rivers in the country. He collected thousands of plant specimens, as well as studying minerals and zoology, exploring gold and diamond mines, caves, and villages of local people.
After his return to Europe, Pohl served as curator of the Vienna Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Brazil in Vienna until his death. His extensive collections, including some 4,000 plant specimens, were housed here along with the expedition's other scientific collections.

John Ray was a British clergyman, naturalist, botanist and zoologist, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of London.
He came from a poor family, but through his persistence in acquiring knowledge he achieved recognition as a scientist. Ray published important works on botany, zoology, and natural history. His classification of plants in Historia Plantarum was an important step toward modern taxonomy (the scientific study of naming, defining, and classifying groups of biological organisms based on common characteristics). John Ray was the first to provide a biological definition of the term "species."

Jan Christiaan Sepp was a Dutch book publisher, printmaker and illustrator.
Jan Christiaan Sepp belonged to a dynasty of collectors, publishers and traders in printed books founded by his father, Christian Sepp (c. 1700-1775) in Goslar, Germany. Jan Christian Sepp is known for being the chief illustrator, creating the magnificent engravings for Cornelius Nozeman's highly prized work entitled Nederlandsche Vogelen (Birds of the Netherlands, 1770-1829). These copperplate engravings, superbly composed, meticulously engraved and hand-colored are of great value.
After Christian Sepp's death, the work of illustrating the five volumes was completed by his son, Jan Sepp. Each volume of this five-volume work of science and art contains 50 images of bird species, and each species is described on several pages.

Christoph Jacob Trew was a German botanist.
He was originally a city solicitor, court physician, Count Palatine of the Holy Roman Empire, an advisor to the Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. He also had an academic passion for botany. He was a member of the Royal Society of London, the Berlin Academy, and the Florentine Botanical Society. His interest in botany then led him to sponsor the publication of illustrated botanical books.

Antonio Vallisneri the Elder was an Italian naturalist, physician and geologist, collector, and member of the Royal Society of London.
He studied in Bologna, Venice, Padua and Parma and headed the chair first of practical medicine and then of theoretical medicine at the University of Padua. In addition to medicine, Vallisneri conducted important research in the natural sciences. In particular, in the field of geology, he is credited with recognizing the organic nature of fossils unrelated to the Great Flood, which contributed to the end of centuries-old disputes. His observations on the water cycle, thermal waters and some mines in the Apennines were also important.
Vallisneri was interested in all branches of the natural sciences, collecting numerous collections of animals, minerals, and other natural objects during his lifetime. The scientist compiled a brief catalog of his collection, which was published in 1733 by his son, Antonio Vallisneri, Jr. The Vallisneri Museum included naturalistic finds, anatomical preparations, medical and scientific instruments, antiques, and exotics from various cultures and eras as well as geographical origins. In 1734, his son donated this museum to the University of Padua, initiating the creation of a general museum for the university.
Antonio Vallisneri Jr. followed in his father's footsteps and for many years held the position of professor of natural history at the University of Padua. He devoted his life to collecting and processing his father's writings and tidying up his library, which contained about a thousand volumes. These were donated to the University Library in Padua.

Adriaan van den Spiegel (or Spieghel), name sometimes written as Adrianus Spigelius, was a Flemish anatomist born in Brussels. For much of his career he practiced medicine in Padua, and is considered one of the great physicians associated with the city. At Padua he studied anatomy under Girolamo Fabrici.
His best written work on anatomy is De humani corporis fabrica libri X tabulis aere icisis exornati, published posthumously in 1627. In his 1624 treatise De semitertiana libri quatuor, he gave the first comprehensive description of malaria.

Hermann van Hall or Hermannus Christian van Hall was a Dutch botanist and agrarian, the founder of higher agricultural education.
In 1825, van Hall was appointed professor of botany and land economics at the University of Groningen. He was responsible for a collection of demonstration models, an economic garden and a farm where profitable cash crops were grown. In 1842, he took the initiative to establish the Graduate School of Land Economics in Groningen. The Dutch institute of applied sciences was subsequently named in his honor - Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, often abbreviated VHL.

Frans van Sterbeeck or Johannes Franciscus van Sterbeeck was a Flemish clergyman, botanist and mycologist, painter, architect and historian.
In addition to his work as a priest, van Sterbeeck had a passion for botany and corresponded with prominent botanists of his time, including John Ray. In particular, he made a serious study of fungi and as a result produced a work entitled Theatrum fungorum oft het tooneel der Campernoelien, published in Antwerp in 1675. This richly illustrated book in Dutch describes the edible and poisonous species of mushrooms.
Frans van Sterbeeck also designed the main altar of the Antwerp Preaching Church and the portal of the Beguinage Church in 1680, and wrote two works on historical subjects.

Etienne-Pierre Ventenat was a French botanist, mycologist and writer.
Etienne-Pierre Ventenat was one of the greatest botanists in France. Empress Josephine Bonaparte hired him to describe and catalog rare plants at her castle of Malmaison. Josephine enlisted eminent botanists such as Claes and Blaikie to collect plants on a grand scale. Ventenat was commissioned to write the text of the work on the Malmaison collection, and the illustrations were created by the talented artist Pierre-Joseph Redoute, nicknamed the "Raphael of Flowers." As a result, a sumptuous book entitled Jardin de la Malmaison (The Garden of Malmaison) was published in 1803.

Nikolaus von Jacquin, full name Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin, also Baron Nikolaus von Jacquin, was an Austrian and Dutch scientist, professor of chemistry and botany, and director of the Vienna Botanical Garden.
Jacquin is considered a pioneer of scientific botany in Austria. He wrote fundamental works in botany, was the first to describe many plants, fungi, and animals, introduced experimental methods in chemistry, and successfully campaigned for the introduction of Linnaeus' system of plants in Austria. On behalf of Emperor Franz I, von Jacquin was in charge of the imperial gardens (including Schoenbrunn) and also led a scientific expedition to Central America from 1754 to 1759, from which he returned with an extensive collection of plants.
In 1768, Nikolaus von Jacquin was appointed professor of botany and chemistry at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Vienna and director of the newly founded botanical garden, which he reorganized according to scientific principles. Nikolaus von Jacquin was a member of the Royal Society of London, a foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, and a correspondent of the Paris Academy of Sciences.