John Bridge (1755 - 1834) - photo 1

John Bridge

Date and place of birt:1755, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:1834, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom, England
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Jeweler, Silversmith

Creators United Kingdom

Joseph Edward Southall (1861 - 1944)
Joseph Edward Southall
1861 - 1944
John Wesley Jarvis (1781 - 1839)
John Wesley Jarvis
1781 - 1839
Peter Lanyon (1918 - 1964)
Peter Lanyon
1918 - 1964
Rudolf Lehmann (1819 - 1905)
Rudolf Lehmann
1819 - 1905
Frederic James Shields (1833 - 1911)
Frederic James Shields
1833 - 1911
Ernest William Christmas (1863 - 1918)
Ernest William Christmas
1863 - 1918
John Mulcaster Carrick (1833 - 1896)
John Mulcaster Carrick
1833 - 1896
Edgar Bertram Mackennal (1863 - 1931)
Edgar Bertram Mackennal
1863 - 1931
Marcellus Laroon II (1679 - 1772)
Marcellus Laroon II
1679 - 1772
James Barry (1741 - 1806)
James Barry
1741 - 1806
Charles Edward Conder (1868 - 1909)
Charles Edward Conder
1868 - 1909
Cornelius Pearson (1805 - 1891)
Cornelius Pearson
1805 - 1891
George Frederic Watts (1817 - 1904)
George Frederic Watts
1817 - 1904
Robert Wylie (1839 - 1877)
Robert Wylie
1839 - 1877
Campbell Archibald Mellon (1876 - 1955)
Campbell Archibald Mellon
1876 - 1955
Herbert William Weekes (1841 - 1914)
Herbert William Weekes
1841 - 1914