John Cleland (1709 - 1789) - photo 1

John Cleland

Date and place of birt:24 september 1709, Surrey, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:23 january 1789, London, United Kingdom
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Historian, Playwright, Publicist, Writer
Genre:Мемуары, Пьеса, Роман, Эротизм
Art style:Просвещение
CLELAND, John (1709-1789) - Auction prices

Auction prices John Cleland

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Creators Просвещение

Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794)
Edward Gibbon
1737 - 1794
François Poullain de La Barre (1647 - 1723)
François Poullain de La Barre
1647 - 1723