John Forrest (1847 - 1918) - photo 1

John Forrest

Sir John Forrest was an Australian naturalist, traveler and politician.

He worked as a surveyor and led several exploratory pioneering expeditions to western Australia. On his second voyage in 1870-1871, Forrest made an instrumental survey of the entire southwest coast of Australia from Perth to Adelaide. He later served as Australia's Minister for Defense, and as the first Premier of Western Australia (1890-1901), Forrest sponsored the construction of public works and negotiated the state's entry into the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901.

Date and place of birt:22 august 1847, Bunbury, Australia
Date and place of death:3 september 1918, Sierra Leone
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Naturalist, Politician, Scientist