
John Adams was an American statesman and politician and the second President of the United States (1797-1801).
The Adamses were among the first Puritan settlers in New England, and John's father was a farmer and shoemaker. John Adams graduated from Harvard College, taught grammar school in Worcester, Massachusetts, and then practiced law in Boston. In 1764, Adams married Abigail Smith, a minister's daughter, who became his confidante and lifelong political partner.
In 1765, Adams wrote "A Dissertation on Canon Law and Feudal Law," where he justified his opposition to British interference in the colonies. In the summer of 1774, Adams was elected to the Massachusetts delegation to the First Continental Congress, in which he became a major figure. He wrote Thoughts on Government as a basic guide to drafting new state constitutions. In July 1776, John Adams drafted the Plan of Treaties, which became the basis for the treaty with France and set the strategic priorities that would shape American foreign policy over the next century.
He was elected to the post of head of the War Council, in 1780 he became the author of the Massachusetts Constitution, which became a model for other states, in 1783 he signed the Treaty of Paris. From 1785 to 1788 John Adams served as the first American ambassador to Great Britain and proved himself worthy in this difficult situation, being the official embodiment of American independence from the British Empire. He studied European history extensively and the result was his three-volume book entitled A Defense of the Constitution of the Government of the United States of America (1787).
In 1789 Adams became the country's first vice president (Washington was the first president of the United States), and in 1797 he was elected the second president of the United States. However, his reign was not the best in the history of the new country. Deteriorating relations with France led to an undeclared naval war between the former allies. In 1798, Adams signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts, which restricted free speech rights. They met widespread opposition across the country. Adams resisted opposition demands for all-out war with France, but lost the 1800 election to Thomas Jefferson.
John Adams retired from politics and settled in his hometown of Quincy. He became the founder of an entire dynasty of politicians and died on July 4, 1826 (the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence), living to see his eldest son John Quincy elected as the sixth president.

John Quincy Adams was an American politician and statesman, the sixth President of the United States (March 4, 1825 - March 4, 1829).
John Quincy Adams was the son of John Adams, the second President of the United States, and, of course, public service was his destiny. As a child, in 1778 he traveled to France with his father, who was then U.S. Commissioner to France. At the age of 14, Adams became personal secretary to Francis Dana, the U.S. Minister to Russia, serving as his father's secretary as well during the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris (1783). In 1787, the twenty-year-old Adams graduated from Harvard University and, after studying law, began practicing in Boston.
In addition to numerous diplomatic appointments, Quincy Adams served as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts from 1803 to 1808. President James Madison appointed Adams U.S. minister to Russia in 1809, and Adams served until 1814. And under President James Monroe, he served as Secretary of State from 1817 to 1825 and is considered one of the best Secretaries of State in U.S. history.
John Quincy Adams won the 1824 presidential election in a four-way race against Henry Clay, William Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. As president, Adams supported a program to modernize the U.S. economy. But his popularity declined because of his approach to Native Americans, whom he supported against the demands of settlers from the west.
After losing the 1828 presidential election to Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served as a representative from Massachusetts for the next 17 years. In the House of Representatives, Adams became one of the most vocal opponents of slavery. He consistently defended abolitionist views and policies, denouncing slavery as an immoral institution and attacking the interests of Southern slaveholders. During the U.S.-Mexican War of 1848, Adams was a leading opponent of the annexation of Texas, farsightedly predicting that it would lead to civil war.
After suffering two strokes, Adams died on February 23, 1848, at the age of 80. Had fate not predestined him to pursue politics, John Quincy Adams would have become a famous poet. He spent his life composing poems in various genres. After his death, many of his poems were collected and published in Poems on Religion and Society (1848).

Manó Andrássy, full name Count Manó Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka was a Hungarian self-taught artist, caricaturist, and politician.
Count Mano Andrássy was an art collector, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Hungarian Parliament. He was at the origin of the Hungarian iron industry, developed iron ore mining and metallurgy, for his significant role in these endeavors he is still remembered by the name Iron Count.
Mano Andrássy left behind a diverse body of work. His caricatures of the vices of political and social life were known throughout the country. And drawings made during his travels to China and India were published in an album, he was elected a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
He studied painting self-taught, and his most famous painting is a self-portrait. Andrássy was an avid art collector. He is also known as a philanthropist, and his collection of antiquities is part of the National Museum's collection.

Antoine Vincent Arnault was a French playwright, fable poet and statesman.
Arnault was one of the most popular playwrights of the French Revolution and the First Empire and, like many writers of the time, he was also politically active. He carried out commissions for Napoleon Bonaparte and served him faithfully throughout his life.
Arnault wrote many plays and poems, among which his poem "Listok" about the fate of the emigrant was especially popular, it was repeatedly translated into different languages, including Russian.
His son was the playwright Lucien Arnault (1787-1863).

Joel Barlow was an American statesman, diplomat, French politician and poet.
A graduate of Yale University, he briefly served as a chaplain in the Revolutionary Army. In 1784, Barlow founded the American Mercury, a weekly newspaper in Hartford, Connecticut, and was admitted to the bar in 1786. Along with John Trumbull and Timothy Dwight, he was a member of the Hartford Witters, a group of young writers.
Joel Barlow's fame was brought to him by his poetic work The Vision of Columbus (1787). It is a dialog between Christopher Columbus and an angel and covers the entire history of America to the end of the American Revolution. The poem was signed by many leading figures of the time, including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, and was popular on both sides of the Atlantic. The author later reworked the poem into a more cynical epic called Columbiad.
In 1788, Barlow traveled to France as an agent for the Scioto Land Company and persuaded a group of Frenchmen to emigrate to America, who eventually founded the town of Gallipolis, Ohio. In Paris he became a liberal in religion and an advanced republican in politics; he took part in the French Revolution and was granted French citizenship.
In the literary field, Barlow is also known for his work The Hasty Pudding (1796). It is a humorous poem inspired by a longing for New England and cornmeal, containing vivid descriptions of rural scenes.
In 1795-97. Barlow was sent to Algeria on a diplomatic mission and returned to the United States in 1805. In 1811 he was appointed U.S. plenipotentiary to France. Barlow participated in Napoleon's retreat from Russia and died in Poland.

Joseph Bartlett was an American lawyer, politician, and poet.
Bartlett graduated from Harvard and began his law practice in Woburn. In 1782, he was elected a member of the Harvard chapter of the PBK. In 1803 he moved to Saco, Maine, where he was elected state senator the following year.
Joseph Bartlett was a man of eccentricity, with a very peculiar taste. His charisma and sharp wit ensured the success of his lectures. Bartlett is the author of the satirical poem Physiognomy, a Poem (1799).

Johannes Robert Becher was a German politician, poet, and novelist.
As a young man he was part of the literary avant-garde, writing in the style of Expressionism. As a communist, Becher was evacuated from the Nazi regime to the USSR during World War II, then returned to Germany, where he was among the founders of the GDR Academy of Arts in Berlin and was its president. He was also Minister of Culture of the German Democratic Republic from 1954 to 1958.

Abijah Bigelow is an American legislator, U.S. Representative from Massachusetts, poet and publicist.
Bigelow attended Dartmouth College in Hanover and became a lawyer. Between 1810 and 1815, he represented Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he strongly opposed the War of 1812. He also served as a justice of the peace from 1809 until his death.
As an author and poet, Bigelow published his work in Worcester newspapers throughout his life. Six essays entitled "Political Reflections" were published in the Massachusetts Spy in 1812, and a series of articles on slavery, signed by him as "The Unprofessional," were printed in the Worcester Palladium in 1838. Bigelow was also a member of the American Antiquarian Society.

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, commonly known as Boethius (Latin: Boetius), was an Italian senator, consul, magister officiorum, historian, and philosopher of the Early Middle Ages. He was a central figure in the translation of the Greek classics into Latin, a precursor to the Scholastic movement, and, along with Cassiodorus, one of the two leading Christian scholars of the 6th century.

John Cartwright was an English naval officer, Nottinghamshire militia major and prominent campaigner for parliamentary reform. He subsequently became known as the Father of Reform. His younger brother Edmund Cartwright became famous as the inventor of the power loom.

Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, also known as Cato the Censor (Censorius), was an ancient Roman soldier, politician, historian, and writer.
Originally from a plebeian family, Cato, driven by ambition, achieved high office and held various public positions. He was also a famous orator, engaged in the improvement of Rome. Cato was an active campaigner against vice and luxury, for which he earned the nickname Censor. He was also an innovator of Roman literature, a historian, the first significant Latin prose writer, and the first author of a history of Italy in Latin.

Geoffrey Chaucer was a medieval English poet and novelist, one of the founders of the literary English language.
Geoffrey Chaucer came from a wealthy family, in 1357 became a civil servant of Countess Elizabeth of Ulster and remained at the British court all his life. Later in his royal service, he traveled on diplomatic missions to France, Spain, and Italy. He made important contributions to the management of public affairs as a courtier, diplomat and civil servant. And very importantly, in these travels Chaucer was exposed to the works of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, which later had a profound influence on his writing.
"The Canterbury Tales" became Geoffrey Chaucer's most famous and recognized work, although this voluminous work remained unfinished. He also wrote the popular science treatise "A Treatise on the Astrolabe", the historical poems "Troilus and Criseyde" and "Legends of Glorious Women", and many poems.
Geoffrey Chaucer is called the forerunner of the literature of the English Renaissance. He was the first to write works in his native language instead of Latin, for which he earned the title of "father of English poetry." Chaucer was buried in Westminster Abbey, and his grave became the first in the so-called "Poet's Corner", where Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and Alfred Tennyson were later buried.

Lydia Maria Child, née Francis, is an American writer and journalist, women's rights and Indian rights activist, and a prominent abolitionist.
Lydia Francis was born into a family of abolitionists, which shaped her worldview. From the age of 18, she taught, wrote historical novels and in 1826 founded a periodical for children "Juvenile Miscellany".
Her first novel, Hobomock, was published in 1824 - set in colonial New England and based on the marriage of a white woman, Mary Conant, and a Native American named Hobomock. In 1833, Lydia Child published An Appeal in Favor of the Class of Americans Called Africans, which recounted the history of slavery and decried the educational and employment inequalities of the black population in the United States. As a result, she was expectedly publicly condemned and her magazine collapsed. But this book united and empowered like-minded people in the abolitionist movement.
On the subject of inequality, Lydia Child wrote throughout her life, and she also spoke out on behalf of Native American peoples. In 1861, "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" was published. Her many books also include Flowers for Children (1844-47), Facts and Fictions (1846), The Freedmen's Book (1865), and An Address to the Indians (1868).

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, full name Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos, was a French politician, inventor, military leader, and writer.
De Laclos initially pursued a military career, but soon abandoned it, deciding that he would achieve greater fame by becoming a writer. He wrote poetry, erotic stories. His first novel "Dangerous Liaisons" (Les Liaisons dangereuses, 1782) immediately made a great impression and caused a mixed reaction in society. This is one of the masterpieces of novelistic literature of the XVIII century, which describes the love affairs of the aristocracy. On its motives, a large number of commentaries were later written, plays were staged and movies were filmed.
Later, Pierre Choderlot de Laclos worked for some time as secretary to the Duke of D'Orleans, writing several treatises on military and political topics. And in 1792 he again joined the army, where under Napoleon he rose to the rank of general, participated in the Rhine and Italian campaigns.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British statesman, soldier and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. Apart from two years between 1922 and 1924, he was a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1964 and represented a total of five constituencies. Ideologically an economic liberal and imperialist, he was for most of his career a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955. He was a member of the Liberal Party from 1904 to 1924.

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher, and academic skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. His extensive writings include treatises on rhetoric, philosophy and politics. He is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and served as consul in 63 BC.
His influence on the Latin language was immense. He wrote more than three-quarters of extant Latin literature that is known to have existed in his lifetime, and it has been said that subsequent prose was either a reaction against or a return to his style, not only in Latin but in European languages up to the 19th century. Cicero introduced into Latin the arguments of the chief schools of Hellenistic philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary with neologisms such as evidentia, humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia, distinguishing himself as a translator and philosopher.

William Clark, an American frontiersman, is best known for co-leading the epic Lewis and Clark Expedition alongside Meriwether Lewis from 1804 to 1806. This journey was a monumental exploration of the American West, extending to the Pacific Northwest, which laid the foundation for westward expansion and significantly contributed to the nation's knowledge of the vast territory.
Before his fame as an explorer, William Clark had a substantial military career, beginning with his service in the militia and the U.S. Army during the Northwest Indian War. His experiences in the military, including participation in the Battle of Fallen Timbers, honed his leadership and survival skills, which were crucial for the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Following the expedition, William Clark continued to serve in significant roles, including as the governor of Missouri Territory and as a superintendent of Indian Affairs. His later years were dedicated to managing relations with various Native American tribes, navigating the complexities of the expanding American frontier.
For collectors and experts in art, history, and antiques, William Clark's life and contributions offer a fascinating lens through which to explore the early 19th-century American narrative. His maps, journals, and other related artifacts provide a unique perspective on this formative period in U.S. history.
To stay informed about new discoveries, exhibitions, and auction events related to William Clark, consider subscribing for updates. This subscription will provide you with valuable insights into the lasting impact of Clark's legacy on American culture and history.

Lucius Iunius Moderatus Columella was an ancient Roman author of books on agriculture.
As a young man he was a soldier and tribune in the Roman army, but then devoted himself entirely to farming in Italy. Fully extant are De re rustica in 12 books, Columella's second and more complete study of farming and village life, and De arboribus ("On Trees"), which was part of an earlier work. Both books are written in a clear, non-academic style, the author clearly trying to instill in the reader a love of farming and the simple life.
Columella in his writings sometimes quotes from the works of Cato the Elder and Marcus Terentius Varrone, which all together provide an important source of knowledge about life at the time. The book On Farming, published in 1745, is an English translation of Columella's De re rustica and De arboribus.

Charles d'Éon de Beaumont, known as Chevalier d'Éon and with many other names, was a French nobleman, diplomat, and secret agent who belonged to the Royal Secret diplomatic network. This amazing and versatile man was forced to live the second half of his life as a woman by virtue of his activities.
D'Eon participated in the Seven Years' War and spied for France while in Russia and England. In France and England he was known for his adventurous life and his many talents: he was an ambassador and secret agent in the service of Louis XV, a captain of dragoons during the Seven Years' War, a skilled swordsman, and a man of letters. After several missions to Russia, more often under the guise of a woman, he was sent to London in 1762 to assist the ambassador in the peace negotiations with England. For his contribution to the Treaty of Paris, signed the following year, he became a Knight of the Order of Saint Louis.
Needing money, and in order to receive a pension, he increasingly entered the role of a woman. In 1777 he received an order: "By order of the King: Charles-Geneviève-Louise-Auguste-Andrée-Timotheus d'Eon de Beaumont is ordered to remove the dragoon uniform she wears and to dress in accordance with her sex. Henceforth he always wore women's dress. Returning to London in 1785, d'Eon died there 25 years later. An autopsy conducted two days after his death found him to be male.

Richard Henry Dana Jr. was an American lawyer, politician, and writer, and a prominent abolitionist.
His father was the Romantic poet and critic Richard Henry Dana Sr. (1787-1879). Richard Jr. did not finish his studies at Harvard College and went to California as a sailor. Two years later, having gained a wealth of experience, he completed his studies and became head of the American bar, an expert on maritime law and an advocate for the rights of merchant seamen.
In 1840, Dana published his autobiographical book Two Years to the Mast, which immediately gained wide popularity. Dana's description of his voyage to California, which was virtually unknown to Americans at the time, became the best contemporary description of the territory captured by the United States just a few years later. He describes the lives of sailors in the ports and their work processing hides on the coast, and pays close attention to the daily lives of the peoples of California, including Hispanics, Native Americans, and Europeans.
In 1841, Dana published The Seafarer's Friend, which became the standard reference book on the legal rights and responsibilities of seamen. He defended many ordinary seamen in court. Despite vigorous opposition, Dana provided free legal aid to blacks as well. Both as a writer and a lawyer, he was a defender of the oppressed, from sailors to runaway slaves and freedmen.
He was U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts from 1861 to 1866 and a member of the Massachusetts legislature from 1867 to 1868.

Nathaniel Dance-Holland is a British portrait painter and politician.
Dance-Holland studied painting in Italy. There he painted several historical and classical paintings. Upon his return to England, he became a successful portrait painter.
Nathaniel Dance-Holland was one of the founders of the Royal Academy of Arts and a member of the British Parliament.

Jacques-Louis David, a preeminent French artist of the Neoclassical movement, made a profound impact on the art world with his compelling history paintings and portraiture. Born in Paris in 1748 into a prosperous family, David's early life was marked by tragedy and ambition. Despite losing his father at a young age and facing opposition from his family, his determination to pursue art led him to become a student of Joseph-Marie Vien and later, a notable figure in the French Academy in Rome. David's artistic journey was characterized by a rigorous classical education, culminating in winning the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1774, which allowed him to study the masterpieces of classical antiquity and the Renaissance in Italy.
David's work is renowned for its classical austerity, a response to the frivolous Rococo style that preceded him. His paintings, such as "The Oath of the Horatii," reflect a blend of classical themes with a modern sense of emotion and drama, resonating with the revolutionary spirit of his times. As the French Revolution unfolded, David aligned himself with its ideals, becoming an active supporter and using his art to serve political purposes. He was closely associated with leaders of the Revolution, including Maximilien Robespierre, and later became the official painter of Napoleon, contributing significantly to the iconography of the era.
Throughout his career, David had a significant influence on French art, not only through his own works but also as a teacher. His studio was a nurturing ground for the next generation of French painters, despite his reputation for being demanding. David's move to Brussels after the fall of Napoleon marked the final phase of his career, where he continued to paint until his death in 1825.
David's legacy extends beyond his contributions to Neoclassical art. He played a crucial role in the development of modern art history, blending classical ideals with contemporary themes, and influencing not only his contemporaries but also future generations of artists. His works, housed in museums around the world, continue to be studied and admired for their technical mastery and emotional depth.
For art collectors and experts, David's oeuvre offers a fascinating insight into a transformative period in art history, where the classical and the contemporary intersected to create a new visual language. His paintings not only depict historical and mythological scenes but also embody the ideals, struggles, and aspirations of his time.
For those interested in exploring the works of Jacques-Louis David and the impact of his art on the Neoclassical movement, updates on new product sales and auction events related to David's work can provide valuable opportunities to engage with his legacy. Signing up for updates ensures access to the latest information and events, offering a deeper understanding of this pivotal artist's contributions to art and culture.

Jean Charlier de Gerson was a French academic, theologian, preacher and politician of the 14th and 15th centuries.
Jean Charlier de Gerson was Chancellor of the University of Paris from 1395 until 1415, and as such played a major role in the political troubles between the Duke of Orleans and the Duke of Burgundy, subsequently known as the Armagnacs and Burgundians, as well as in the crisis arising from the Great Western Schism.

Charles Leconte de Lisle, full name Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle, was a French poet and politician, head of the Parnassus poetic movement.
He was a member of the Revolution of 1848 and initiator of the law on the abolition of slavery in the colonies. As a poet, he was highly regarded by his contemporaries, including Victor Hugo. Leconte de Lisle's poems are characterized by a clear, sculptural, "objective" form. He translated into French a number of classical Greek works.

Niklaus Manuel Deutsch was a Swiss painter, graphic artist, poet and political reformer.
Niklaus Manuel Deutsch's artistic style is influenced by the Renaissance and Albrecht Dürer. Along with Holbein, he is considered the most important representative of the Renaissance in Switzerland. He created designs for jewellers, altarpieces, portraits and other paintings. His richly coloured canvases depict mainly mythological and biblical scenes.

Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu, also known as Cardinal Richelieu or the Red Cardinal (French: l'Éminence rouge) was a Roman Catholic cardinal, aristocrat and statesman of France.
Armand Jean's father, François du Plessis, Signor de Richelieu, was the grand proclaimer (chief magistrate) of Henry III, but left his family devastated at his death. At the age of 22, Armand was ordained a priest and began to build a career. Thanks to his intellectual talents, he was soon appointed chaplain to the new Queen Anne of Austria, and in 1616 he was appointed Secretary of State for War and Foreign Affairs. Further events and a palace coup led to his exile, but he returned to Paris five years later.
The Duc de Richelieu became a cardinal in 1622, and from 1624 until his death in 1642 he was chief minister to King Louis XIII of France. His main goals were to establish royal absolutism in France and to end the Spanish-Habsburg hegemony in Europe. He made significant strides in reforming France, especially in terms of the administrative structure of the government.
The intrigues of his opponents accompanied the Duc de Richelieu throughout his political life. In the last years of his life he found himself involved in religious conflicts, in opposition to the pope in a struggle with the French church over the distribution of revenues intended to finance the war.
Richelieu possessed outstanding intellectual ability, willpower, and industriousness. He directed his own wealth to patronizing the arts and the University of Paris; he established the French Academy. Richelieu was also a talented playwright and musician.

Pedro Figari was a Uruguayan painter, lawyer, writer, and politician. Although he did not begin the practice until his later years, he is best known as an early modernist painter who emphasized capturing the everyday aspects of life in his work. In most of his pieces, he attempts to capture the essence of his home by painting local customs that he had observed in his childhood.
Figari painted primarily from memory, a technique that gives his work a far more personal feeling. With his unique style, which involved painting without the intention to create an illusion, he, along with other prominent Latin-American artists such as Diego Rivera and Tarsila do Amaral, sparked a revolution of identity in the art world of Latin America.

Sir John Forrest was an Australian naturalist, traveler and politician.
He worked as a surveyor and led several exploratory pioneering expeditions to western Australia. On his second voyage in 1870-1871, Forrest made an instrumental survey of the entire southwest coast of Australia from Perth to Adelaide. He later served as Australia's Minister for Defense, and as the first Premier of Western Australia (1890-1901), Forrest sponsored the construction of public works and negotiated the state's entry into the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901.

Robert Frankland was a British politician and artist.
He was elected to Parliament in 1815 and succeeded his father as a baronet, taking the name Sir Robert Frankland-Russell, seventh baronet. He was also High Sheriff of Yorkshire. Frankland was fond of painting and drew watercolors with hunting scenes and horses. His sketches of human figures are also interesting.

Philip Morin Freneau was an American publicist, editor, and known as the "poet of the American Revolution".
After graduating from Princeton University, Freneau taught school and studied to become a minister. With the outbreak of the American Revolution, he began writing scathing satire on the British and the Tories. During a two-year voyage to the Caribbean islands, he created the poems "The Beauties of Santa Cruz" and "The House of Night," and in 1778 he became involved in the war. After his release from British captivity, Freneau wrote a book in verse, "The British Prison Ship" (1781).
After serving as a sea captain for several years, Freneau took up journalism. In his National Gazette newspaper in Philadelphia, he sharply criticized George Washington.
Freneau's poetry, which accompanied him throughout his life, covers a variety of subjects, including political situations, American Indians, nature, the sea, and naval battles. His political poems are often satirical, but his nature poems are very lyrical.

Joshua Fry was a British and American politician and planter, surveyor and cartographer.
Educated at Oxford University, Fry emigrated to the colony of Virginia around 1726. He soon founded a grammar school for the sons of the local gentry, then headed the mathematics department of the college, and worked as a professor of philosophy. Through a successful marriage, he became a large landowner and gained prominence, serving as a member of the House of Burgesses and justice of the peace in Essex County and later in Albemarle.
When Albemarle County was established in Virginia in 1745, Joshua Fry was appointed here as chief surveyor in charge of land surveying. Beginning in 1746, Fry was assisted throughout his work by his close friend Peter Jefferson, father of future U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. Together they not only explored new lands, but also created maps that documented the new territories with great accuracy. Their main project was the so-called Frye-Jefferson map, published in 1751, depicting Virginia and Maryland.
This map was unique for its time because it was based on actual geodetic data. The map showed the "Great Road from the Yadkin River through Virginia to Philadelphia 455 miles."
At the outbreak of the Seven Years' War, Joshua Fry was appointed head of the Virginia Regiment and died of his injuries in the campaign on May 31, 1754.

Ulysses S. Grant, born Hiram Ulysses Grant, was an American politician and military leader who was the 18th President of the United States (March 4, 1869 - March 4, 1877).
Grant's father was a tanner and enrolled his son in the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Ulysses Grant distinguished himself in the Mexican-American War, then fought in the Civil War, was a brigadier general, and was given command of the District of Southeast Missouri. In March, 1864, Grant became lieutenant general and was given command of all the armies of the United States. In 1866, he was promoted to the newly established rank of general in the U.S. Army.
Grant continued as commander-in-chief after Lincoln's assassination and during the administration of U.S. President Andrew Johnson. However, the situation was such that Ulysses Grant won the next presidential election and became the 18th President of the United States on March 4, 1869. He was politically inexperienced and personally clean, but his time as president was marked by corruption and scandals. During his two presidential terms, Grant worked hard to re-unite the North and South, opposing the nascent Ku Klux Klan.
In 1877, after leaving the presidency, Grant traveled around the world with his wife, and everywhere he was received with glee. Then his attempts at business led to complete bankruptcy. Ulysses Grant spent the last years of his life writing his memoirs while battling poverty and throat cancer. With the help of writer Mark Twain, his two-volume work was published in 1885, two months before the author's death.

Alexander Hamilton was an American politician and statesman, the founder of the American financial system.
A native of Great Britain, Hamilton arrived in continental America in late 1772 and enrolled at King's College in New York. He became captain of an artillery company in 1776 and fought in the battles of Kips Bay, White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton during the American War of Independence. For four years he served on George Washington's staff as adjutant with the rank of lieutenant colonel. And in 1782, Hamilton was chosen by New York as a delegate to the Confederate Congress.
Alexander Hamilton was also one of New York's delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. He was a passionate advocate of the Constitution and, along with future President James Madison and John Jay, contributed to the famous book The Federalist (1788), writing most of the essays for it. After George Washington was elected the nation's first president in 1789, he appointed Hamilton Secretary of the Treasury. As the first Secretary of the Treasury (1789-1795), Hamilton developed plans to finance the national debt, secure federal credit, encourage the expansion of manufacturing, and organize a federal bank. In 1801, Hamilton founded the New York Evening Post newspaper.
On July 11, 1804, Hamilton was mortally wounded in a duel with his personal and political rival, Vice President Aaron Burr. Today, Alexander Hamilton is revered as one of the founding fathers of the United States, he is known for his role in creating America's financial system, and his portrait is on the ten dollar bill.

William Henry Harrison, an American military officer and politician, became the ninth President of the United States in 1841, making history with the shortest presidency due to his death just 31 days after taking office. Born on February 9, 1773, in Charles City County, Virginia, Harrison was the last U.S. president born as a British subject and the paternal grandfather of Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president.
William Henry Harrison's early military career was marked by notable achievements, including participating in the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, which concluded the Northwest Indian War. His leadership against Tecumseh's confederacy at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 earned him the nickname "Old Tippecanoe." He was later promoted to major general during the War of 1812, securing a significant victory at the Battle of the Thames, which effectively ended the Indian confederation led by Tecumseh.
Before his presidency, William Henry Harrison had a prolific political career, starting in 1798 when he became the secretary of the Northwest Territory. He was then elected as the territory's delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1799. In 1801, he became the governor of the Indiana Territory, where he negotiated numerous treaties with Native American tribes, acquiring vast tracts of land for the United States. Harrison's political journey also included terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate, and as the U.S. Minister to Colombia before being nominated by the Whig Party for the presidency in 1840.
His presidential campaign was famous for the "Log Cabin Campaign," where Harrison was presented as a man of the people, in stark contrast to the incumbent President Martin Van Buren, who was portrayed as an elitist. This strategy proved successful, and William Henry Harrison won the presidency with a significant margin. However, his time in office was cut short when he died of presumed pneumonia, making his wife, Anna Harrison, the first presidential widow to receive a pension from Congress.
Harrison's legacy is complex, marked by his military and political contributions that significantly impacted the United States' expansion and development during its early years.
For those interested in learning more about William Henry Harrison, signing up for updates is a great way to stay informed about new discoveries and interpretations of his life and contributions to American history. This subscription will alert you to new product sales and auction events related to this significant historical figure, providing a unique opportunity for collectors and experts in art and antiques to deepen their understanding of American history.

Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served from 1889 to 1893 and left a distinct mark on American history. Born into the prominent Harrison family of Virginia, he was the grandson of William Henry Harrison, the ninth president, and the great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, a Founding Father. Harrison was known for his commitment to civil rights and played a pivotal role in promoting American commerce and industry.
After graduating from Miami University in Ohio, Harrison moved to Indianapolis, where he established a notable legal career and became a leader in the local Presbyterian church. His military service during the American Civil War, where he achieved the rank of brevet brigadier general, showcased his leadership and commitment to the Union. Following the war, Harrison's political career began to take shape as he served in the U.S. Senate from 1881 to 1887, where he advocated for homesteaders, Native Americans, and Civil War veterans.
Benjamin Harrison's presidency was marked by significant legislative achievements, including the Sherman Antitrust Act, which aimed to curb the powers of large business monopolies, and the McKinley Tariff, which imposed protective trade rates. He also made substantial efforts to strengthen the U.S. Navy and modernize its capabilities, reflecting his interest in an active foreign policy.
Despite losing the popular vote in the 1888 election, Benjamin Harrison won the Electoral College, highlighting the contentious nature of his victory over Grover Cleveland. His administration was notable for the admission of six new western states to the Union and significant economic legislation that led to federal spending reaching one billion dollars for the first time.
Benjamin Harrison's post-presidency years were spent in Indianapolis, where he continued to practice law and engaged in international diplomacy, notably representing Venezuela in a boundary dispute with Great Britain. His commitment to public service and the legal profession remained evident until his death in 1901.
For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Harrison's era offers a fascinating glimpse into a period of rapid economic and political change in America. To stay informed about new discoveries and interpretations related to Benjamin Harrison and this transformative time in history, signing up for updates is recommended. This subscription will alert you to new product sales and auction events related to this significant historical figure, providing a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of American history.

Samuel Johannes Holland was a Dutch-born British military engineer, surveyor and cartographer, and the first Inspector General of British North America.
He began his military career in 1745 in the Dutch artillery, moving to England in 1754 and becoming a lieutenant in the Royal American Army. In early 1756 Holland traveled with the British army to North America, where he created the first maps of New York State, worked as a military engineer, surveyed Louisbourg, Halifax, and Fort Fredericton, and participated in the siege of Quebec in 1759.
In 1764 Holland was appointed inspector general of the Northern District of North America and was appointed to the Quebec Council. From 1764 to 1767, he surveyed Prince Edward Island, the Madeleine Islands, and Cape Breton. He then mapped the northeast coast for the British army and helped negotiate provincial and state boundaries in the northeast. In 1779, Samuel Holland was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of Quebec and continued to serve as Inspector General for the rest of his life.

Francis Hopkinson was an American politician, member of the Continental Congress, lawyer, writer and composer.
Hopkinson was educated at Philadelphia College and studied law and was admitted to the bar. In 1774 Hopkinson was appointed a member of the governor's council, and in 1776 he represented New Jersey in the Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence. He was a judge of the Pennsylvania admiralty court from 1779 to 1789 and then served as U.S. District Judge for eastern Pennsylvania until his death.
Hopkinson is credited as one of the designers of the Flag of the United States as well as continental paper bills. As an artist, he designed the seal of the American Philosophical Society, the seal of the State of New Jersey, and the seals of various departments of the U.S. government.
In addition to politics, Hopkinson dabbled in the arts: he played the harpsichord and composed music, and wrote poetry and essays. During the Revolution, he mocked the British and their Loyalist supporters in witty political satires. After the Revolution, he maintained an active correspondence with Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

Armand-Gustave Houbigant was a French painter, illustrator, historian, politician and perfumer.
Armand-Gustave was the son of the famous Parisian perfumer Jean-François Houbigant (1752-1807). He took lessons in the atelier of David's pupil A.C. Caraffe and was a close friend of the archaeologist and collector Aubin-Louis Millin. Ubigan was a prolific painter and illustrator. As a young man, he became famous for his drawings for the card game Women of France (1816).
Later, from 1850 to 1855, Houbigant traveled to the Bas-Pyrenees (today the Atlantic Pyrenees), collected materials for an album about the youth of King Henry IV, and made sketches and engravings.
After his father's death, Armand-Gustave Houbigant continued his family's perfumery business.

Johann Rudolf Huber the Elder was a Swiss painter and printmaker, as well as a statesman.
Huber studied painting with Basel and German masters, and in 1685 went to Venice, where he painted portraits. A few years later Huber entered the Academy of St. Luke in Rome, where he became a pupil of the famous Carlo Maratta. In 1693 the artist returned to Basel, where he was elected to the Grand Council of Basel and began to receive many prestigious commissions from the nobility; he was court painter to the Duke of Württemberg in Stutart. A very prolific painter, Huber painted many portraits of royalty during his lifetime.