Maria Friberg (1966) - photo 1

Maria Friberg

Date and place of birt:16 may 1966, Malmö, Sweden
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Illustrator, Photographer
Genre:Художественная фотография
Art style:Color photo, Contemporary art, Фото Арт
Maria Friberg. Ohne Titel - Now at the auction

Now at the auction Maria Friberg

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Maria Friberg. Untitled - Auction prices

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Creators Color photo

Kathy Thys (1936)
Kathy Thys
Philip Akkerman (1957)
Philip Akkerman
Dia Al-Azzawi (1939)
Dia Al-Azzawi
Alison Erika Forde Forde (1985)
Alison Erika Forde Forde
Horst P. Horst (1906 - 1999)
Horst P. Horst
1906 - 1999
Arthur Merric Bloomfield Boyd (1920 - 1999)
Arthur Merric Bloomfield Boyd
1920 - 1999
Joannis Avramidis (1922 - 2016)
Joannis Avramidis
1922 - 2016
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov (1940 - 2007)
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov
1940 - 2007
Kerstin Brätsch (1979)
Kerstin Brätsch
Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorov (1928 - 2021)
Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorov
1928 - 2021
Robert Grossman (1940 - 2018)
Robert Grossman
1940 - 2018
Alberto Morrocco (1917 - 1998)
Alberto Morrocco
1917 - 1998
Katharina Sieverding (1944)
Katharina Sieverding
Hans Prünster (1907 - 2005)
Hans Prünster
1907 - 2005
Pia Pizzo (1937 - 2021)
Pia Pizzo
1937 - 2021
René Carcan (1925 - 1993)
René Carcan
1925 - 1993