Melchior Steidl (1657 - 1727) - photo 1

Melchior Steidl

Melchior Steidl was a German painter. He created frescoes and murals in Benedictine monasteries in Austria, Carmelite churches in Bavaria, and others.

Date and place of birt:10 november 1657, Innsbruck, Austria
Date and place of death:4 august 1727, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:History painting, Religious genre
Art style:Classicism
Steidl, Melchior (attr.) - Auction archive

Auction archive Melchior Steidl

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Creators Germany

Andreas Brandt (1935 - 2016)
Andreas Brandt
1935 - 2016
Johann August Wilhelm Sohn (1830 - 1899)
Johann August Wilhelm Sohn
1830 - 1899
Michael Bach (1953)
Michael Bach
Johann Heinrich Balzer (1738 - 1799)
Johann Heinrich Balzer
1738 - 1799
Amelie Ruths (1871 - 1956)
Amelie Ruths
1871 - 1956
Christian Maximilian Baer (1853 - 1911)
Christian Maximilian Baer
1853 - 1911
Ren Rong (1960)
Ren Rong
Heinrich Lang (1838 - 1891)
Heinrich Lang
1838 - 1891
Hans Frohne (1905 - 1955)
Hans Frohne
1905 - 1955
Andreas von Weizsäcker (1956 - 2008)
Andreas von Weizsäcker
1956 - 2008
Boris Konstantinovich Bilinsky (1900 - 1948)
Boris Konstantinovich Bilinsky
1900 - 1948
Peter Storck (1940)
Peter Storck
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884 - 1976)
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
1884 - 1976
Ludwig Willroider (1845 - 1910)
Ludwig Willroider
1845 - 1910
Otto Flath (1906 - 1987)
Otto Flath
1906 - 1987
Moritz von Schwind (1804 - 1871)
Moritz von Schwind
1804 - 1871

Creators Classicism

Ivan Fomich Khrutsky (1810 - 1885)
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky
1810 - 1885
Mikhail Mikhailovich Adamovich (1884 - 1947)
Mikhail Mikhailovich Adamovich
1884 - 1947
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810 - 1874)
Alfred Jacob Miller
1810 - 1874
Thomas Whitcombe (1763 - 1824)
Thomas Whitcombe
1763 - 1824
Raimund Volanek (1857 - 1924)
Raimund Volanek
1857 - 1924
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1756 - 1791
Veronika Maria Herwegen-Manini (1851 - 1933)
Veronika Maria Herwegen-Manini
1851 - 1933
Antonio Gómez Cros (1809 - 1863)
Antonio Gómez Cros
1809 - 1863
Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (1714 - 1789)
Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre
1714 - 1789
Johann Ulrich Burri (1802 - 1870)
Johann Ulrich Burri
1802 - 1870
Simon Pietersz Verelst (1644 - 1721)
Simon Pietersz Verelst
1644 - 1721
Georges-Emile Lebacq (1876 - 1950)
Georges-Emile Lebacq
1876 - 1950
Alfred de Dreux (1810 - 1860)
Alfred de Dreux
1810 - 1860
Christian Friedrich Deiker (1792 - 1843)
Christian Friedrich Deiker
1792 - 1843
James (Jean-Jacques) Pradier (1790 - 1852)
James (Jean-Jacques) Pradier
1790 - 1852
Théobald Chartran (1849 - 1907)
Théobald Chartran
1849 - 1907